It was used a girls name in the 30’s and there was even an actress called [name]Toby[/name] [name]Wing[/name]. So it is not unheard of for a girl.
But what do you think??
Is [name]Tobi[/name]/[name]Tobey[/name]/[name]Tobie[/name] more girly?
It was used a girls name in the 30’s and there was even an actress called [name]Toby[/name] [name]Wing[/name]. So it is not unheard of for a girl.
But what do you think??
Is [name]Tobi[/name]/[name]Tobey[/name]/[name]Tobie[/name] more girly?
There was a girl in my fashion design class named [name]Tobe[/name] (pronounced [name]Toby[/name]). I think it’s super cute for a girl!
Though I’ve never heard of [name]Toby[/name] for girl, cute name!
love this name for a boy but on a girl I’m just not sold. Perhaps if it was a nn. for more feminie first name or is if her initials were TB or something like that.
Not a fan of boy names on girls, so I’d only be okay with it if it was a nickname.
I don’t like this for a girl. It sounds a bit “dumpy”. I’ve heard of [name]Tove[/name] pr. like [name]Toby[/name] but with a ‘v’ of course.
I know a woman named [name]Toby[/name]. She’s very bright and successful and kind of quirky, so it fits her well. I think it’s a really cute, spunky name for a little girl. And as for the name [name]Tove[/name], what about [name]Tova[/name]? I knew a girl in college with this name and it was unique and different from the norm.
I think it would be fine as a nickname.
I think it is super cute. But I agree with those who say it’s best as a nickname ( for both girls and boys). But I can’t think of any girls names that would have the nickname [name]Toby[/name].
For the record I don’t like [name]Tove[/name] at all. Go figure.
I know a woman named [name]Toby[/name] and I think it works well for a girl.
I really like the idea of a girl going by [name]Toby[/name]. But I wouldn’t use it as a given name. Like many others said, I’d use it as a nickname.
I’ve heard of girls named [name]October[/name] nn [name]Toby[/name].
Other possibilities…
[name]Cristobal[/name]/Cristobelle/Christobelle (lots of different spelling variations)
[name]Tobin[/name] (I think its used on boys, but I could easily see this as a unisex name.)
I think it is a CUTE and spunky nickname!
For a full, about about:
[name]Tabitha[/name] [name]Briony[/name]
[name]Tallulah[/name] [name]Brynn[/name]
[name]Bree[/name] could also work as a MN…
love [name]Toby[/name]!