I’m pretty sure i’m having a girl, but i’ve been wrong before so my boyfriend and I would really need to settle on a boys name as well!
our list is HUGE. we just can’t decide what kind of name we want to go with, or when a name is too popular.
these are some of the names i’m thinking about, are they too common? are you tired of seeing/hearing these names? the best and the worst ones from this list??
The names above aren’t too popular, have long histories of usage and all age well.
I like…
[name]Avery[/name] (word of caution: No# 18 for girls last year in the US - that’s 7,303 girls)
I dislike…
[name]Mason[/name] (trendy Kardashian name and No# 2 last year in the US - that’s 19,396 boys)
[name]Ryder[/name] - ride her? Sorry but I really dislike this name
[name]Devin[/name] - I hear more girls with this name than boys
[name]Maddox[/name] - Not a fan at all
I think a few of these names are too popular ([name]Mason[/name], for example) but you’ve also got some really great, more uncommon choices.
My favorites:
[name]Grayson[/name]/[name]Greyson[/name] especially with nn [name]Gray[/name]/[name]Grey[/name]
Other names you might like:
Not knowing how your surname sounds (like three syllables starts with a K ends in an O), this is sort of a shot in the dark. Like [name]Silas[/name] [name]Smith[/name] wouldn’t work out too well, [name]Issiah[/name] [name]Smith[/name] would work out better.
I like all of the ones below. Some are definitely popular ([name]Nicholas[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Zachary[/name]) and some are gaining ([name]Felix[/name], [name]Silas[/name], [name]Maddox[/name], [name]Isaiah[/name])
But I don’t think they are so popular that your son would have tons of others he knew with the same name. Honestly, unless you’re set on being super unique, as long as you stay out of the top 20 or so you probably will never have to worry about it.
[name]Nicholas[/name] - solid, bit dull though
[name]Avery[/name] - pretty, on the feminine side
[name]Felix[/name] - nice, one of my favorites, gaining popularity but I doubt it’ll hit top 20
[name]Wesley[/name] - okay, solid name that’s not super popular
[name]Henry[/name] - great sturdy name but rather popular
[name]Liam[/name] - love it, depending on your country this might be a popularity issue, I think it’s top 20 in [name]Britain[/name]
[name]Isaiah[/name] - steady old name, and in with the Biblical old man theme
[name]Zachary[/name] - fine, always mildly popular
[name]Ryder[/name] - okay, on the weird side compared to your others
[name]Damian[/name] - meh, okay name if you can get past the connotation
[name]Devin[/name] - I like this, but it’s not a favorite
[name]Maddox[/name] - definitely on the trendy side, but an interesting choice
[name]Silas[/name] - again a good Biblical/old man trend name, but it’s one of my favorites
I like [name]Tristan[/name], [name]Nicholas[/name], [name]Liam[/name], [name]Zachary[/name], [name]Silas[/name], and [name]Dillon[/name] / [name]Dylan[/name].
Neutral about [name]Wesley[/name], [name]Henry[/name], [name]Isaiah[/name], [name]Damian[/name] / [name]Damien[/name], and [name]Grayson[/name] / [name]Greyson[/name].
The worst:
[name]Tristan[/name] - I can’t stand this name for some reason. I know others love it, but it’s hard to say and very prissy/pretentious to me.
[name]Avery[/name]- this is a girl name to me.
[name]Felix[/name]- this is a dog’s name and I believe it’s used heavily in the hispanic culture as well which creates an image before you meet him that may not be correct. Also, it’s one of those few names to me that borderlines on being silly despite it’s “unusual/quirky/ classic” appeal.
[name]Just[/name] Ok…
[name]Mason[/name]- this is handsome but wildly popular and expected.
[name]Nicholas[/name]- I think it’s cute but Jolly old saint nick is always what it conjures up in my mind.
[name]Elliot[/name]- this is handsome but a bit on the nerdy side. Could work as a middle name.
[name]Wesley[/name]- I like [name]Wesley[/name] alot. It is a modern classic although [name]Weston[/name] may be more of today.
[name]Henry[/name]- it’s cute but come on… very trendy. It’s getting played out along with [name]Jack[/name] and other similar “simple” boy names.
[name]Liam[/name]- this is jaunty and cute, although incomplete imo.
[name]Isaiah[/name]- this is extremely popular in the African American community. it’s too soft for my taste in male names, but I do like [name]Isaac[/name].
[name]Zachary[/name]- a nice, safe, biblical choice. Not overused but not my favorite name. [name]Zack[/name] is dated.
[name]Blake[/name]- I like it but it has always somewhat reminded me of a spoiled rich boy.
[name]Dominic[/name]- it’s ok. Too fussy for my taste.
[name]Ryder[/name]- a cool name but kind of insubstantial. I know [name]Kate[/name] [name]Hudson[/name] named her son this, but it seems a bit strange on a non-starbaby.
[name]Damian[/name] / [name]Damien[/name]- this will always remind me of the Omen and the word “demon”
[name]Devin[/name]- I just don’t like the flow of it. “[name]Devin[/name]” sounds a bit unisex and like an incomplete name.
the Best:
[name]Maddox[/name] - even though it’s a bit Brangelina, I love this name. You almost never hear it too. three stars!
[name]Silas[/name]- I have a soft spot for this name. It’s masculine, unusual, and biblical while also not too weird. Nice name.
[name]Grayson[/name] / [name]Greyson[/name]- I love it. It’s a bit on the trendy side, but much better than most “son” names and I love the nn [name]Gray[/name].
[name]Dillon[/name] / [name]Dylan[/name]- have always loved [name]Dylan[/name]. This is my preferred spelling too. [name]Dillon[/name] reminds me too much of a dill pickle. [name]Dylan[/name] seems bohemian, cool, modern, yet down to earth.
I love [name]Avery[/name] and [name]Maddox[/name]! I like [name]Felix[/name], [name]Isaiah[/name], [name]Elliot[/name], [name]Liam[/name], and [name]Grayson[/name]. I dislike the rest.
I love [name]Wesley[/name], [name]Blake[/name], [name]Liam[/name] and [name]Henry[/name].
I like [name]Zachary[/name], [name]Dominic[/name], [name]Nicholas[/name] and [name]Liam[/name].
The rest I am not too crazy about. In my opinion, it shouldn’t matter how popular the names are, but how much you like them. The most popular names are popular for a reason, so if you like one that is “common” go ahead and use it!