I did this last summer (and also a few additional times before that, I think), and it seems to be so well received (and is also so much fun!). I’ve decided I’d like to do it each summer! We know what the top names for each of our countries are, and we even can see the top names that are viewed on Nameberry, but often we already know about our favorites… so we are not looking them up. I started doing this because I wanted to see what Nameberry’s true favorites were. So please feel free to leave your top 25 for boys here, and I will log everyone’s responses, and after all the submissions are in, feel free to look for another “top 25” post that shares the results. Usually this takes a couple months to log everything and share the results, but I promise I will! I’ll keep the thread open as long as I’m continuing to receive responses (and I hope I receive many, the more results, the more distinct the hierarchy of favorites!). If you don’t have 25 names you love (some berries don’t!), feel free to leave as many as you do have. Here is the link to the girls’ thread, if you want to respond there as well!
It’ll be interesting to see how this year’s favorites compare to last year’s!
Thank you, lovelies!
ETA: Bumping this up one last time to give one last opportunity to respond to this! I’ve been giving one last week for any responses, and tomorrow after work I’m going to share the results. If anyone wants to get their names included, please share in the next 24 hours! Thanks berries!
Like with the girls I included names you may only see in my combos as MN’s but if I was to do an ultimate list instead of just a FN list, they’d be on there without a doubt so I’ve included them Can’t wait to see the results
[name_f]My[/name_f] top 25 in no specific order… it was so hard to narrow it down!