Toronto Birth Announcements!

Finally! I’ve finally found birth announcement for my city. I hadn’t thought of simply googling it until today. Silly me.
Any who here are some:

Mila Kaur - sister to Jobin Singh
Faith Mabel - sister to Catherine and Ryan
Abigail Charlotte
Jake Ryan - He has an Uncle Ryan as well.
Keira Isobel
Zachary Derek John - Brother to Logan, and who apparently burst into the world. Ahaha.
Jacob Mario - sister Victoria
Nicholas Carmelo - Carmelo was the name of his grandfather
Cole Christopher Riley - brothers Jacob, and Jackson
Giovanni Luca - his grandfather was also named Giovanni

Quinn Edward - brother Jake
Parker Glen - brother Emmitt
Ethan Ryan
Michael Samuel - Sister Sophia
Amelia Diane - sister Sophie
Tavio Patrick - sister Elia
Husdon Brian William - grandfather is named William
William Jason Stanley nn Liam
Elizabeth Margaret - Grandmother is Peggy, so it’s likely Margaret is to honor her
Damon Taylor (I have to say I LOVE this one!)
Isla Mae - brother Owen
Ella Sharon
Gordon James
Patrick Given
Nathan Hunter - brother Jack
Shea Marie
Liam Jason Bock Poulin - brother Jayden
Maya Surie? - I’m not sure if her name is Maya Surie or Suzanne Marie because it was listed as “Maya Surie (Suzanne Marie)” - siblings Ben and Kalen
Eli Frederick Edmund - siblings Bowan, Peyton, and Lillee
Luka Anthony - brother Callum
Isla Rose
Jayden William - grandfather is Bill.
Natalie Charlotte
Liana Everdine
Samuel Thomas - sister Sydney.
Aidan William - sister Abigail

Needless to say, I’m very impressed at the names, especially since it’s a large urban city the naming style is pretty uniform. I can’t say there’s one combo I’m disappointed in at all!

[name]Liana[/name] Everdine is very interesting! I’m not too crazy over [name]Liana[/name] (heard it before :/) but Everdine is beautiful!

[name]Isla[/name] [name]Rose[/name] is a pretty combo and both names are gorgeous but it’s so predictable that it’s lost a bit of it’s flare. No? [name]Just[/name] me? Ok.

I like [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Edward[/name].

[name]Baby[/name] [name]Tavio[/name] with a sister [name]Elia[/name] is pretty unusual and probably my favourite sibling duo. I like it! And just in case there was any doubt regarding how international the name [name]Mila[/name] has become, [name]Mila[/name] Kaur and brother Jobin Singh are possibly from a Sikh family. While more predictable, [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Keira[/name] [name]Isobel[/name] are lovely too! Thanks for sharing!

Yes, you’re right about [name]Mila[/name] and Jobin’s origins. :slight_smile:

Ahaha, I agree with you on [name]Isla[/name] [name]Rose[/name]! I didn’t even blink and eye when I saw it. It was like [name]Ava[/name] [name]Grace[/name] 2.0.

That’s awesome you’re in Toronto! My hometown is Ottawa :slight_smile:

I really like:
[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Edward[/name]
[name]Nathan[/name] & [name]Jack[/name]
[name]Eli[/name] [name]Frederick[/name] [name]Edmund[/name] (awesomeeeee!)
[name]Luka[/name] & [name]Callum[/name]

All-in-all, pretty good :slight_smile:

Oh my gosh, that’s so funny because my friend since birth is currently in Ottawa for university. Ahaha, small world.
I too am a fan of [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Edward[/name].

Many great combinations. I am from T.O. as well…it’s nice to see. Thanks!

I’m from [name]Richmond[/name] [name]Hill[/name] so nice to see some more “local” birth announcements"! I can’t say I find any of these bad at all- I’m pleasantly surprised at such classic combos as [name]Abigail[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Thomas[/name]. Also surprised that there were two Islas- I’ve never even met one! Then again I don’t know many babies.