Tracey for a boy?

I rly like [name_u]Tracy[/name_u]/[name_u]Tracey[/name_u] for a boy
I think maybe adding the e makes it more masculine? And it’s not very common any more so what to people think?
Last name is one syllable
I also like [name_u]Casey[/name_u] but I feel like that is more popular for girls now than [name_u]Tracy[/name_u]

[name_u]Casey[/name_u] feels much more masculine to me than [name_u]Tracy[/name_u], or any other -cy/sey/cey name.
I agree that the [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] spelling makes it look more masculine but still, it sounds feminine. It’s not unusable, but to me it brings to mind blonde girls in their late 20s.

I haven’t heard the name [name_u]Tracy[/name_u]/[name_u]Tracey[/name_u] in so long that I wouldn’t bat an eyelash hearing it on a boy.
[name_u]Trace[/name_u] is a great nickname also!

I really like it! My immediate and positive association with the name is the actor [name_u]Spencer[/name_u] [name_u]Tracy[/name_u], which to me makes the name feel old school cool.
I don’t know if you’re looking for middle names, but my first thought was [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] [name_u]Morgan[/name_u]. It sounds so cool to me, but two unisex-leaning-girl names might be too much.

I am just trying to think through whether or not your son would be comfortable with the name, and I think the odds are that he would prefer something more masculine, of course there is no way of knowing for sure. [name_m]Just[/name_m] seeing his name on an office door, on a registration form, etc. it would likely be assumed that he is a female so he may find that annoying. Would [name_m]Trey[/name_m] work with your last name?

I went to high school with a guy named [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] and he was a cool guy so I definitely think it can work. No one ever made fun of his name or anything that I can remember and this was in the mid 2000s. :slight_smile:

I know several middle-aged women named [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] in various spellings, so I’ll admit it’s hard for me to imagine on a little boy. Maybe [name_u]Trace[/name_u] instead?

As a middle-aged GenXer myself, I think it’s perceived as too feminine and may invite teasing. To me, [name_u]Casey[/name_u] is more truly 50/50 male/female. What do your friends and family think of it? That would probably give you a more accurate perception of how people in general in your area would think. I feel like Nameberries are more receptive to “feminine” names for boys, which is great, but maybe not indicative of people as a whole.

I do feel like this can vary quite a lot regionally. My husband is from Kentucky and grew up with guys named [name_u]Kelly[/name_u], [name_u]Kerry[/name_u], [name_u]Leslie[/name_u], and [name_u]Lynn[/name_u], and he thought nothing of it. But I feel like boys with those names where I grew up would have been in for a world of mockery.

I think both [name_u]Tracy[/name_u]/[name_u]Tracey[/name_u] and [name_u]Casey[/name_u] work well for a boy. [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] makes me think of comedian [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] and [name_u]Casey[/name_u] makes me think of the poem [name_u]Casey[/name_u] Up to [name_m]Bat[/name_m]. Honestly, I think [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] for a girl sounds outdated at this point so it would be more refreshing to hear it on a boy. You could always use the nn [name_u]Trace[/name_u] or [name_m]Trey[/name_m] to make it more masculine if it was a true concern

I like [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] on a boy! I certainly like it better on a boy than on a girl. I think the “e” brings to mind cowboy-cool nn [name_u]Trace[/name_u], so I agree that spelling looks more masculine. [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] is totally over for little girls (hasn’t been in the top 1000 for almost 30 years), so I don’t think other kids will perceive it as a “girl’s” name. Your son is likely to be the only one on the playground!

I think [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] is one of the names the guys should reclaim!! I like it a lot. Not sure it’s because I know a 50 yr old female [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] who is VERY annoying or what LOL. But I can definitely see it on a guy, and I like it much better than [name_u]Casey[/name_u]. I also like [name_u]Trace[/name_u] and [name_m]Trey[/name_m] either as alternatives or nicknames.

Where did you grow up (if you don’t mind me asking)?

Also, I think in general the younger generation is less uptight about the unisex-names-on-boys issue than when you were growing up.

I think the boys can reclaim both Trac(e)y and [name_u]Robin[/name_u]. [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] hasn’t been used since 2012 for the girls in the US, according to the Name Voyager website.

Nothing wrong with [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] for a boy. I feel like a masculine guy pulls it off best, like [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] [name_u]Morgan[/name_u].
But that is a nice name for a boy!

I prefer [name_u]Trace[/name_u] because to me [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] feels like a baby boomer mom name, but I think it would be okay since it’s similar to [name_u]Casey[/name_u].

I think [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] would make a fantastic name for a boy today. I really like [name_u]Trace[/name_u] as a nickname, too.

I actually disagree though with your note on spelling, and think that [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] would be better for a boy (maybe because [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] was the more common spelling for girls where I am – though I’ve not met a [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] in years and all that I once did, would now be in their 50’s). The name peaked in the 70’s and has been completely out of the charts for 15+ years, and doesn’t sound or look overtly feminine in general, so any child today is unlikely to judge the name as specifically ‘all girl’.

Personally, while I find [name_u]Tracey[/name_u] on a girl to be dated (due to its relation to a specific decade), [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] on a boy would be so brilliantly refreshing.

For what it is worth, I went to school with a male [name_u]Tracey[/name_u]. He’d be in his mid-twenties now. Sure, reading his name on a roster, you thought he was a girl, but he really likes his name. To my knowledge, no one ever teased him about it and he wore it really well. He was a jock and did everything all of the other guys did, so it wasn’t like he had to hide because of his name.

Tracer, Trayson, or just plain [name_u]Trace[/name_u] would be fine. You can call him [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] for a nn.
I only know [name_u]Tracy[/name_u] as a nn for [name_f]Teresa[/name_f].