Awhile back I had tried to anagram Tolkien Elvish names, but discovered that I would have to learn a plethora of Elvish grammatical rules in order to do this properly. Tolkien had invented some pretty sophisticated languages for his novels!
I may try the anagramming thing again sometime, but in the meantime I’ve discovered an amazing website where you can create your own, grammatically correct Tolkien Elvish names by choosing from paired Elvish name elements (there is a column for male names and one for female names).
Here’s the site ([name]Christy[/name], if you’re reading this, you may especially enjoy this):
I thought I’d give it a try by translating “[name]Nephele[/name]” into Quenya (an Elvish language of Tolkien’s). So I chose the feminine Quenya name elements for “[name]Ocean[/name]” and “Mist” and got:
I think that’s a pretty name!
Here’s a link to the website’s Sindarin (another Elvish language) Name Generator:
So, I now challenge our Namberryites to translate your own names (or screen names) into Quenya, and see whether your results might also make likely baby names for folks living outside the Tolkien universe.
I came up with Poicanaus”. That means pure ([name]Karen[/name]) imagination. I wanted pure owl (my last name doesn’t mean owl, but other people tell me I’m wrong about that); anyhow, owl wasn’t on the list, so I went with [name]Willy[/name] Wonka song.
Thanks for the pointer in another thread to here - I wasn’t sure I’d “get” this thread, not having read Tolkein or watched the movies. Automatic generators for the win!
Since [name]Adelaide[/name] is my English name, I chose “noble” and “child” because [name]Adelaide[/name] means of the noble kind, or of noble birth, and I got Arahin, which I think is rather nice, although perhaps slightly boring? When I choose “maiden” I get Arw”n, which is what the other site tells me about [name]Adelaide[/name] as well ^^ there’s also Artanis, Arnostale and Arquen, so Arw”n is the prettiest although Artanis is one of Galadriel’s names…
I’ve also been called a “woman of fire” once, which I though was pretty cool, and as a Quenya name that makes Ninn”r”…
plays some more
[name]Edit[/name]: Choosing the meaning of my own Norwegian name, I got Valoth”, which is a combination of “goddess” and “war” and about as unpleasant as my real name… XD (I hate my name… The sound, style, meaning, everything about it… Very Viking-y and means “the Gods’ warrior maiden” or something like that, which is everything I’m not, and not something I’d want to be either… It’s just overall blah!)
[name]Edit[/name] again: This was too much fun!
Using Dearest, “dear” and “one” I get Meliner” in Quenya and Muiner in Sindarin… Meliner” is pretty!! ^^
I am still trying to come up with something that is suitable. I either get something that MEANS something good (I liked the sound of Left-Handed [name]Queen[/name] -ha ha - as I am lefthanded, and my children think I have ideas above my station), but the name this produces sounds awful.
But I am keeping on trying. At least I have manoevred my way round the site! My skills are definitely improving!
Rinamire- Crowned [name]Jewel[/name] (closest to meaning of stephanie-crowned one)
Luinivarne-[name]Blue[/name], [name]Brown[/name] (I have brown hair and blue eyes)
Mingesselde-Firstborn child
I actually took class in college all about Tolkier. We read all the LOTR books, the Similarion (the LOTR prequel) and the Hobbit. Our big project for the end of the semester was to write a play in Quenya-and perform it! We had to learn the language. [name]Nephele[/name] is right…it is HARD! That was a few years ago, though, so i have forgotten it!
Rinamire- Crowned [name]Jewel[/name] (closest to meaning of stephanie-crowned one)
Luinivarne-[name]Blue[/name], [name]Brown[/name] (I have brown hair and blue eyes)
Mingesselde-Firstborn child
I actually took class in college all about Tolkier. We read all the LOTR books, the Similarion (the LOTR prequel) and the Hobbit. Our big project for the end of the semester was to write a play in Quenya-and perform it! We had to learn the language. [name]Nephele[/name] is right…it is HARD! That was a few years ago, though, so i have forgotten it!