What do you think? At first I thought it was a boys name but was surprised to find out it’s actually used for girls. I actually kind of like it for a boy, although I wouldn’t actually use it. [name]IMO[/name] it has that sort of laid back vibe like [name]Colby[/name], [name]Kirby[/name], [name]Ashby[/name] and [name]Alby[/name] which is kind of cute.
Personally, I think it’s kind of ugly… it reminds me of pill bugs and hats. I also really hate the whole surname as first name trend, unless it’s a family name…
[name]Trilby[/name] Tinkerbell [name]Jam[/name] is one of the amazing [name]Flower[/name] [name]Fairy[/name] anagrams [name]Nephele[/name] created for me, but I don’t think I can imagine [name]Trilby[/name] on an actual child. Hmm…
On the plus side, I’m sure she’d be the only [name]Trilby[/name] in her school (or maybe the country, for that matter)!
I don’t know what this hat thing is, so I guess I will say no. I kind of like the way it sounds, but I like some weird words that are fun to say and may not mean anything good, and occasionally are worse in meaning than they sound (to me). I know this is weird, but I also look at the word [name]Trilby[/name] and it looks like a teapot. I don’t take drugs, it’s just the shape of the word.
Okay, I looked up the hat. I think considering some people like the nickname [name]Hattie[/name], what could really be the harm in being named after an actual hat? [name]Trilby[/name] reminds me most of the name [name]Shelby[/name], as in “[name]Steel[/name] Magnolias” [name]Shelby[/name]. I don’t know anyone else by that name, but try [name]Shelby[/name]? I am going with the crowd and say there’s something wrong with this name, but secretly, it’s going on my guilty pleasures list because it looks like a teapot, and I sort of like the hat, now that I know about it.
“I am going with the crowd and say there’s something wrong with this name, but secretly, it’s going on my guilty pleasures list because it looks like a teapot, and I sort of like the hat, now that I know about it.”
[name]Karen[/name], this is the most fantastic line! The hats are cool, in truth.
Ditto what you said, [name]Jill[/name]. While [name]Trilby[/name] is a fanciful name for sprites, fairies, and characters in novels, it might be difficult for an actual, modern-day child to wear.
The name started out as an English placename and surname, but gained some popularity in the late 19th century as a feminine first name, thanks to its use in a couple of novels.
It is presumed by some that author [name]George[/name] du Maurier took the name [name]Trilby[/name] for his songstress character (in his novel [name]Trilby[/name], 1894) because of the sound of “trill” in the name ” which one associates with “trilling,” singing with a resounding, vibrating voice.
The use of [name]Trilby[/name] for the name of a hat came afterwards, inspired by the style of hat worn in a [name]London[/name] stage production of du Maurier’s [name]Trilby[/name].
I’m the odd one out here because I actually like this name. I do know about the hat. I don’t care for the name [name]Shelby[/name] so it’s odd that I like this name. I do however love [name]Ruby[/name]. I’m not sure how this name would hold up on the playground though, hmmm maybe it would make a better mn.