the office caf
general trivia caf
how to play
I’ll ask a question, and whichever response you choose will dictate how many kids you have/what gender, and then what namebank. you choose both first and middle(s) from the same namebank. Also it’s ok if you get some wrong, because you’ll still end up with kids to name
Clarification - you should only have 4 sets of kids, whether it’s twins or singletons. You find out gender/number in the first question, and you find out the namebank you choose from in the second question! If you get a question right, you will have twins. Otherwise you’ll just have one kid.
note that nbc stands for non-binary child. you can give them a unisex name or a gendered name - whatever you’d like honestly.
Question 1: What was the first soft drink in space?
A: Mountain Dew - no, you have a boy
B: Pepsi - no, you have a girl
C: Coca Cola - yes, you have twins (b/g)
Question 2: Which is the only American Football team to go a whole season undefeated, including the Super Bowl?
A: New England Patriots - no, choose from bank 1
B: Miami Dolphins - yes, choose from bank 2
C: Seattle Seahawks - no, choose from bank 3
Namebanks for Q1-2:
- Achilles, Ajax, Alexander, George, Isidore, Jonas, Luke, Neander, Nico, Peter, Theodore, Xylon, Amaryllis, Brontë, Callista, Clio, Diantha, Dorothy, Eos, Hermione, Lydia, Meg, Phoebe, Zoe
- Asmund, Axel, Casper, Claus, Gunnar, Jensen, Kristoffer, Leif, Ludvig, Valentin, Viggo, Berit, Dagny, Dahlia, Hilde, Juni, Kaia, Maja, Malin, Signe, Sonia, Solveig, Viveca
- Antonio, Declan, Dmitri, Elio, Enzo, Hamish, Iker, Laszlo, Leonardo, Liam, Matias, Soren, Aaliyah, Alessia, Astrid, Daniela, Elena, Elodie, Imani, Lucia, Maeve, Paloma, Teagan, Valentina
Question 3: What was the first Pixar movie to be released?
A: Toy Story - yes, you have twins (b/g)
B: A Bug’s Life - no, you have a girl
C: Monsters Inc - no, you have a nbc
Question 4: Who was the first woman to win a Nobel prize?
A: Bertha von Suttner - no, choose from bank 3
B: Mother Teresa - no, choose from bank 1
C: Marie Curie - yes, choose from bank 2
Namebanks for Q3-4:
- Adair, Albany, Allegro, Avalon, Bliss, Cairo, Dove, Evren, Faraday, Galaxy, Halo, Havana, Kindred, Lorca, Loveday, Matisse, Meridian, Oak, Puck, Rumi, Shalom, Solace, Veryan, Win, Yarrow, Zeppelin
- Ari, Atlas, Bailey, Blue, Carson, Cooper, Darcy, Finn, Holland, Huxley, Joan, Jules, Kit, Kyrie, Laken, Laurie, Marlow, Perry, Reese, Ryder, Santana, Sekani, Spencer, Taylor, Yael, Ziggy
- Abbott, Baird, Baylor, Bell, Clark, Cormac, Dean, Devin, Fielder, Fifer, Hackett, Harper, Hunter, Luther, Marshall, Mason, Paige, Piper, Poet, Reeve, Rex, Ritter, Sailor, Shepherd, Stewart, Walker
Question 5: What is the human body’s largest organ?
A: Liver - no, you have a boy
B: Skin - yes, you have twins (b/g)
C: Heart - no, you have a nbc
Question 6: Which of these is not one of the weapons in the standard version of Clue?
A: Lead Pipe - no, choose from bank 3
B: Hatchet - yes, choose from bank 1
C: Rope - no, choose from bank 2
Namebanks for Q5-6:
- Arcadian, Bear, Beauden, Blakeley, Bristol, Caine, Capri, Ember, Emery, Eviana, Glory, Harlan, Hayes, Jagger, Jamari, Jett, Kaison, Kenzie, Koda, Lakelyn, Love, Navy, Ocean, Rey, Scout, Zola
- Addison, Ashby, Belden, Blake, Brinsley, Cameron, Cassidy, Catesby, Drake, Fenmore, Flynn, Halliday, Keagan, Kessler, Macy, Maguire, Merrick, Merritt, Presley, Rooney, Sterling, Trilby, Vaughn, Wesson, Wrigley, Wylie
- Alaska, Asa, Azari, Bowie, Campbell, Carden, Epic, Florian, Grey, Guthrie, Irie, Jubilee, Khari, Kona, Lux, Neo, Noble, Peace, Poe, Quincy, Raleigh, Romary, Sacha, Tavi, Tay, Zeren
Question 7: What year was McDonalds founded?
A: 1940 - yes, you have twins (b/g)
B: 1950 - no, you have a boy
C: 1960 - no, you have a girl
Question 8: What letter is used to represent a strikeout in baseball?
A: X - no, choose from bank 2
B: K - yes, choose from bank 3
C: S - no, choose from bank 1
Namebanks for Q7-8:
- Alfred, Arthur, Charlie, Clyde, Edward, Frank, Henry, Jack, James, Paul, Thomas, William, Anna, Catherine, Edith, Elsie, Eva, Grace, Hazel, Helen, Ida, Lillian, Mary, Ruby
- Aloysius, Boaz, Booker, Ellsworth, Ignatius, Jennings, Lonnie, Lowell, Osiris, Phineas, Winfield, Zebedee, Amabel, Cecily, Cordelia, Dorothea, Dovie, Idella, Maude, Mirabel, Ollie, Sophronia, Wilhelmina, Zipporah
- Ambrose, Amias, Basil, Benedict, Breccan, Cassian, Elias, Isaac, Milo, Peregrine, Rufus, Adelaide, Antonia, Ava, Benilde, Dominica, Elisabeth, Fabiola, Gwen, Inez, Maura, Olive, Susanna
I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to calculate your score (if you want). If you would like to see more cafs like this let me know!