Ttc 2023

[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! Hopefully joining this thread in the next couple of months. I was on Nameberry as a teen and am excited to be back :slight_smile: It’s so weird to be writing this.


Not precisely TTC, since right now we’re saying “Let’s not worry about it and see what happens,” but we’ve stopped trying to prevent another pregnancy, and I’m hoping for our #4 in 2023!


I just noticed that the Ovia app puts me in my TWW. PCOS makes tracking ovulation extremely tricky, or even just knowing where you are in your cycle, but this app has been the closest thing I’ve ever had to accurate. Sometimes. Ha. Anyway, so I’m tentatively supposed to start my period next week. We’ll see how it goes but it would be amazing to start off 2023 with a positive and sticky baby!


Still holding off for now but I’m excited for everyone here and hope to be joining you properly before long :crossed_fingers:t2::two_hearts:


Hiya everyone, I see a lot of faces I remember from when I frequented years past. I hope you are all doing well :heart:

Let me reintroduce myself, [name_m]Hi[/name_m], I’m [name_u]Shannon[/name_u] and I already have 16 months old twins which took me 15 months and 2 losses to conceive. [name_f]My[/name_f] first time TTC was a very emotional and hard journey.

For now I will be a lurker here, supporting each and every one of you, but I do think DH and I have decided we will start trying again near the babies birthday in Sept of this year. It’s going to depend, very long story short, my daughter has been having seizure episodes, and we are still deciding if they are febrile seizures or another seizure disorder as some of her results came back inconclusive. So we still potentially have a long journey with that.

I wish you all a wonderful and baby filled 2023 :tada:


Hey all!

Things have been crazy lately in our TTC journey, as I just found out I have PCOS and potentially hypothyroidism. I have been in and out of many doctor’s appointments over the past couple months and there are still more to come as we figure out the plan from here on out. We’re also getting married in the fall, so that will be a consideration as well. That said, I’m joining this thread with high hopes for the year ahead!


So we missed our last 2022 chance due to us both having chest colds. Ain’t nobody want to make a baby when a light breath in sends you on a coughing fit. He’ll be leaving in a few days back to site, with any luck it works out that he’s home for our 17 year anniversary in a couple weeks, which also aligns with my potential ovulation, so fingers crossed that 2023 is FINALLY our year.

  • I also need to get re-referred to my fertility doctor, apparently I didn’t see him enough last year and they closed my file. [name_u]Awesome[/name_u].

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] you both are feeling better! That’s so weird that they would just close your file like that! Going through the referral process would be so annoying…but I have every finger crossed hoping that this is finally your year!!

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Why are doctors like that? Sometimes I swear they work on a whole different form of logic to the rest of the world. (Doctors and Trains, never do what you expect them to!)

That chest cold sounds grim, hope you’re feeling better!

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[name_u]Happy[/name_u] 2023, everyone! :partying_face: [name_u]Baby[/name_u] dust to all and good luck!!! Xxx :heart:


Yes, wishing everyone here the very best of luck and lots of baby dust for 2023! :sparkles::heartpulse:


I am hoping that 2023 is the year for everyone on here!

@kibby that is so frustrating that they closed your file! I hope it isn’t too difficult to get a referral back to them, or even better that you are pregnant before you have to go!

I finished bleeding over the weekend, and I feel good. I should ovulate this weekend more or less, unless my loss last month pushes it back for some reason. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband does have a varicocele, so he is being referred to a urologist to see if there is something that could be done for that to potentially improve his sperm count. We are going to keep trying anyways as we work through this, because it is clearly possible for us to get pregnant. I think if I got pregnant this month it would be an [name_u]October[/name_u] birthday, which my husband thinks would be really cool because his birthday is in [name_u]October[/name_u]. I don’t care at all, but I think it is sweet that my husband is excited about that idea!


Thanks for the well wishes all! Luckily it sounds like I can just go to a walk in and ask for the referral as I was a prior patient. But like, why can’t you just book me an appointment then?! So silly. I’m debating not going at all to be honest. There’s only so much they can do to support a pregnancy in the first 12 weeks after all, it might be more stress than it’s worth!
@Beort12 - I’m glad to hear your loss is resolving itself, and it is good news that even with your partners quality issues that you can conceive! That only means good things as he takes the steps to improve things! I got pregnant very quickly after two of my losses so fingers crossed it works the same way for you!!

My chest cold is still hanging on by a thread, but I’m on CD3 and started temp tracking this morning. My cycle is a bit wonky, between 26 and 30 days so I’m not sure when I’m ovulating right now, hoping temping again will shed some light on the situation. He gets home on CD10 which is perfect timing for this month in terms of trying. My family is chock full of September babies but very few October/November babies, so I’m hopeful for those months!


@Kibby is a second opinion an option? (I hope I haven’t already asked that)
I realize there are a lot of factors that go into it but I wonder if that would make any difference.
I hope temping and the timing line everything up nicely this time around!

So I’m thinking I’m out this cycle. [name_f]My[/name_f] cycles went from like 90-something days long all the way down to the low 30s. Now I’m on CD 38 and all tests have been negative.
I’m feeling a bit blue about it. Finding out would’ve coincided with my husband’s birthday and it would’ve been such a surprise for him…
I have considered bringing up medical intervention with my doctor again but I just don’t know if I want to go down that road. Our doctor was great about checking hormone levels, doing ultrasounds and all of that but I swear if I hear “losing weight would help” one more time, y’all will hear my tantrum no matter where in the world you’re at. Beyond that, say I do get put on Clomid again…the side effects were monstrous. Being on that while having a toddler… I don’t know. I’m just over the whole process already.


@Kibby have they felt at all helpful in the past, or do they at least have an idea what could be causing your recurrent losses? It is so frustrating when it feels like nothing is helping.

@namergirl3 it sounds like a good sign to have your cycle down to 30-something days, even if this month doesn’t work! [name_f]Do[/name_f] you happen to remember around what CD you were when you conceived your son or got a positive test?

I am really crossing my fingers I can get pregnant again in the next couple months…I have heard of lots of people who got pregnant within a few weeks of an early loss and I hope I get lucky this time!

[name_f]My[/name_f] husband’s PCP thinks the varicocele is the issue. He called it a “smoking gun”, and said he doesn’t think my husband has any lifestyle issue big enough to cause this low of a count otherwise. We will see what the urologist says because they’re the specialist, but honestly I am hopeful they agree this is the issue and that it is correctable.


Week 6 - still no period, still no positive :roll_eyes: No cycle to track. Going to stick with just being hopeful whilst not preventing until I get any semblance of a cycle to work from.

@namergirl3 if you do have that tantrum I thoroughly support you with it.

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I saw my OBGYN this morning for a quick checkup on my prolapse, and while it hasn’t resolved (which I knew), she says it looks a little better, and we can definitely go for another baby. [name_f]My[/name_f] pelvic floor strength is good, considering. I may need a couple different pessaries for increased support during another pregnancy.

And we hit my fertile window a couple times this cycle, so we’ll see! AF is due in another week, unless…


@Maerad that sounds so frustrating! I am glad you’re able to just wait hopefully.

I did ovulate just about right on time sometime this weekend. The exact timing is unclear because my bbt indicted I ovulated on [name_m]Saturday[/name_m], OPKs indicated [name_f]Sunday[/name_f], and CM pointed to Monday…but we gave it as good of a shot as possible this time so it shouldn’t matter when exactly it was. I also had by far the strongest LH surge I have ever caught this month according to the OPKs (two days of quite high readings). Last cycle when I got pregnant the app never read any of my tests as above low, although one was the highest low when I think I ovulated. I generally think I have a quick surge, although I know that isn’t inherently bad. This cycle I also had the lowest, most stable temps before ovulation that I have ever recorded. Given that our issue isn’t me (as far as we know) but my husband it probably doesn’t really matter how “well” I ovulated so long as I ovulated, but it still felt good to see that my body seemed to know what to do after the loss.


We’d decided to try and give it a go this month, only problem is Mother [name_u]Nature[/name_u] decided to show up early creating a 3.5w gap from last month so I’ve got absolutely no idea when my fertile peak is going to be but I bet it’s going to be when we’ve got family staying. I’m a little nervous going again in case things go wrong again but my little boy is so caring and I’d love to make him a big brother


Update: period came and went, so onto the next cycle. It’s going to be a bit of a busy time for us but we’ll see what happens next! I can’t believe we’re nearing 1.5 years on this ttc journey already!