Twins Update

For some reason Crosby and Cyrus came to mind, but they might be a totally different style than Reed so not sure why I thought of those. Crosby isn’t specifically Biblical, but it means “town with crosses on a hill”, or something to that effect.

I like @EloiseT ‘s suggestion of Reid and Gideon! they look and sound cohesive without being too matchy matchy. I also like Heath that she suggested.

I like @daisydarcy ‘s suggestion of Adler! Think it would go nicely with Reed.

We have a Clyde who we debated naming Clive, so I like @VEL ‘s suggestion of Clive. (Also using their suggestion of Ransom for a middle).
Instead of Reed, you could do Reeve/Reeves and Clive. Or Reed and Clyde. Clyde is a river in Scotland, I believe, so a subtle nature element to it.

Reed Ransom and Clyde Shepherd would both have subtle nature meanings for the firsts and obscurely Biblical references for the middles.

Reed Ransom F1$her and Clyde Shepherd F1$her

Reed Ransom F1$her and Clive Vincent F1$her

Reed & Crosby
Reed & Crosby Augustine
Reed & Crosby Dempsey
Reed & Crosby Cormac

Edited to add, I guess Reed Ransom wouldn’t be a great combo because it sounds like you are a reading a random letter. :laughing::woman_facepalming:So just ignore that. Lol

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