Two Middle Names?

Hello Ladies! I love this site & always receive great advice! Now that it’s now confirmed I am pregnant with ribbons & bows I would [name]LOVE[/name] ALL OF YOUR ADVICE & SUPPORT on finding the PERFECT name :slight_smile: (& please don’t get sick of me over the weeks/months)

When I was expecting my daughter my husband & I kicked around the idea of giving her two middle names; [name]Riley[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]-[name]Grace[/name]. Somehow in the mix [name]Grace[/name] was dropped & She was named [name]Riley[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name].

This time around [name]Grace[/name] is sneaking her pretty little face back into the picture.

[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name]-[name]Grace[/name] or [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]-[name]Grace[/name]. My reasoning for wanting two middle names is because I think the middle names [name]Olivia[/name] & [name]Sophia[/name] sound better as first names when paired with [name]Quinn[/name] - (& I would really love to keep [name]Quinn[/name] as a first name) However, if I add [name]Grace[/name] after [name]Olivia[/name] & [name]Sophia[/name] I no longer think it sounds like the names should be rearranged … Is anyone following me on this one? Or am I alone? lol

So, my 2 part question is…
Does giving 2 MN’s make the name too long? & which name do you prefer?

[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name]-[name]Grace[/name]
[name]Quin[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]-[name]Grace[/name]
[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name]
[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]

other suggestions ALWAYS welcome

(Siblings are named [name]Riley[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] & [name]Lucas[/name] [name]Sawyer[/name] - Last name is Helmick)

I think that you should either do [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] or [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name]. I think if you through [name]Grace[/name] in there you would be getting an uber-trendy name. But if you do choose to have 2 middle names I don’t think you should use the hyphen because it just doesn’t look right. [name]Hope[/name] this helps and congrats on your baby girl that is so exciting!

I have 2 middle names and I think it is a great idea. I added the 2nd middle name when I got married since I could change my name to whatever I wanted.

My Great-Grandmother was named [name]Olive[/name], when my mother was born, she was named [name]Olivia[/name]. My Grandmother had lost her mother at an early age and it was an honor to her mother. Also, when my aunt was born, she was named [name]Paulette[/name], after her father, [name]Paul[/name].

When I was born, I thought that the tradition should have continued, but, my mother did not keep it going. When I got married, I added a second middle name. [name]Audra[/name], to honor my grandmother, [name]Audrey[/name].

I love the idea of a 2nd middle name. Mine is unique since I named myself after my grandmother, but, my grandmother was an awesome woman and I love having a part of her in my name.

Go for the 2nd middle name, it is great!!! [name]Just[/name] keep saying them to yourself and outloud and you will find the order that works best.

What exciting news! :slight_smile: I’m really glad that you decided to stick with [name]Quinn[/name], because you clearly love it! Between [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] and [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name], I’m going to go with [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name], because to me, [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] sounds like [name]Queen[/name] [name]Sofia[/name] (of Spain). ([name]Quinn[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] sounds like [name]Queen[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] to me, too, but that may just be me! :slight_smile:

I think [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name] Helmick or [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Grace[/name] Helmick are very, very pretty. :slight_smile:

Some more combos you may like with [name]Grace[/name]:

[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Louisa[/name] [name]Grace[/name]
[name]Quinn[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name] [name]Grace[/name]

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I really like the idea of having multiple middle names. More people will probably start to do that. Really, I would likely have more than one middle name if I had children. Some reasons being that I wouldnt be able to decide between names, to balance out popularity among the entire name, to honor family members, and for it to be enough so that everyone is satisfied with it. I do suggest removing the hyphen, though. If I may say, it looks a bit awkward.

I also like the name [name]Quinn[/name], but also have issues with it sounding like [name]Queen[/name]…ie [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]. What about [name]Quinna[/name]? [name]Quinna[/name] [name]Grace[/name] [name]Sophia[/name]. Otherwise I like [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Grace[/name]. Since I’ve never heard of an actually [name]Queen[/name] [name]Olivia[/name], I like that combo better. I think someone pointed out that the current queen of Spain is named [name]Sofia[/name]. Either way, drop the hyphen. Cute names! :slight_smile:

Thank you all for the help. I’m still stuck (scratched both [name]Sophia[/name] [name]Olivia[/name] - per my hubby) I am taking all of your suggestions into consideration (=