[name_f]My[/name_f] husband and I finally landed on a name for our first baby boy. We have two girls already. We’re just stuck between two middle names. One of them, is one we saw and liked, and the second one is my father’s middle name. We keep going back and forth on whether we should just give him the two middle names rather than picking one.
The one thing I keep thinking about is how his name will look in signs. I wanted to get a sign of his name to put in his nursery/room. [name_m]Will[/name_m] it look weird if it had the three names on there? I can’t find any examples of what that would look like. [name_f]Do[/name_f] any of you have examples?
[name_f]My[/name_f] daughter has two middles. I love names too much to have been restricted to one - and I also wanted to honour a family friend as well as myself (lol). If you really love the name you’ve chosen, just go with two middles. I personally wouldn’t drop your father’s name from what you’ve said (ie that you want to have the connection to him, which I think is even nicer when he will be having the last name of your husband - or to have connection to both sides).
I haven’t seen many of those wall signs anyway but I’m sure they could make it - eg a large cursive first name and then the two middles in smaller font bold underneath.* If they can’t do it, then maybe just get the first name. And/or there are three framed prints you can get (triptych) where the print in the middle has the name and the outside ones have some sort of nature or other illustration. I wouldn’t let the nursery decor decide this!
Might not be the best example but I can’t see why a second middle underneath the first or side by side and smaller underneath first, couldn’t work.
I don’t think it would look weird! Some I’ve found (browsing instagram):

(not a baby name, but you could see how the two at the bottom could be middles)

It might just be worth reaching out to a few businesses and asking the question of how they’d do it?
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In agreement with @EloiseT and don’t let nursery decor determine your choice. I would decide how important it is to you to use the name you found that you love b/c it would be a wonderful honour for your father to have his name used. I would probably use all three.
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I have two middle names. Personally I’ve always really appreciated having that additional honor name, and value the connection it gives me to my late grandmother.
The one thing that I wish my parents would’ve done differently regarding my names is deciding from the start which middle initial I would use when forms or monograms want a singular middle initial.
I also have two middle names, and while I didn’t have a sign like that when I was born, I had other thinks like a backpack that had all three of my names on it and I don’t think it looked strange or wonky at all, if that helps. I think having a second middle name to have a family honor in there would be great, although room decor alone hopefully won’t sway you not to do so! Good luck!
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I think it can work with two middle names depending on the middle name! If it’s 3 very long names with many syllables I think it can be a bit of a mouthful. But I think if the flow works well then 3 names can absolutely work. I think it can still look very cute on a name sign as well. What are the names you’re considering?
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