Unable to make a decision - ideas?

maybe someone here can help us… With the greatest of effort we have reduced our list to two potential first names - [name_m]Julius[/name_m] and [name_m]Frederik[/name_m] - and are now getting absolutely nowhere. Both names have advantages and disadvantages, both appeal to us equally and we don’t know how to come to a decision. How would you proceed? [name_f]Every[/name_f] criterion that we have thought about is then beaten by another… We only have two weeks left to make a decision and I’m getting nervous :smiley:

We live in Northern Europe, the names are equally well known and common here.

[name_u]Julian[/name_u] has been on the top of my boy’s list for years, so I’m automatically loving [name_m]Julius[/name_m]. [name_m]Julius[/name_m] [name_m]Frederik[/name_m] as a full name would be absolutely darling, and you can always call someone by their middle name.

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I can see why you’re having trouble deciding - they’re both great. Which sounds best with your surname? And do you plan on using nicknames? If so, do you prefer [name_u]Jules[/name_u] or [name_m]Fred[/name_m] / [name_u]Freddie[/name_u]? Personally, I would choose [name_m]Julius[/name_m] as I just simply love it, it has so much going for it. Sorry not to be more helpful! Maybe when your son arrives, you’ll know in your heart which one feels right!

Fantastic names ! It’s no wonder your having a hard time. We took our top 2 names to the hospital with us and decided when we met him. I felt like I needed to see him and know him first before I knew who he was going to be !

Here are some things to help try and pick one:

  1. Which one sounds best with your surname
  2. Which one sounds best with the chosen middle name (if you have one)
  3. Maybe ask friends and family which they prefer
  4. Does one name honour someone you like/dislike
  5. Come up with your favourite nickname for both of them and see which you prefer

If you are still stuck after that then maybe use one as a first name and use another as a second middle name (supposing you already have one)

My personal favourite is Frederick because I think the nickname Freddy is quite cute!

Hope this helps!

Also what @Ehrob1 one says is also a very good idea! It might help when you actually see him. You will know what name feels right!

We already tried that with our daughter and it didn’t work - after two days we had to make some kind of decision, but it wasn’t that one of the names felt more suitable. But maybe this time it will be easier…?

Thanks for your ideas, we’ve all been through these points - except asking family and friends, as I want it to be a surprise for them. I don’t like nicknames so much, which would be a point against Frederik/Frederick - I think the name very quickly becomes [name_m]Fred[/name_m] or [name_u]Freddie[/name_u], with [name_m]Julius[/name_m] it is rather unlikely in non-English speaking countries (here no one would say Jules). Apart from that, both are really equally suitable and fitting.

Well, I guess you are very stuck then :grin: um… The only other thing I can suggest is role a dice? :joy: It sounds stupid but it could work. You could do a poll on nameberry and see which people prefer on here? Other than that I would just say wait until the birth and wait until you meet him!

[name_u]Flip[/name_u] a coin- if you guys find yourselves wishing it landed on one name or the other- that’s the name you should go with. If you have no feelings as the coin is in the air, let fate decide.

[name_u]Or[/name_u] if your older child is old enough, you could do what my parents did when they were stuck between two names: they asked my sister and I (3 & 4 at the time) which name we liked best and went with that.

I adore [name_m]Frederik[/name_m] - so charming, handsome, solid and versatile

Is there a special person you could honor by asking them to choose? I can imagine that could be unbelievably special for that person, and a nice connection between them and your son.