Unisex Spanish Names

I’d like to know some unisex Spanish names. I know [name_u]Azul[/name_u], [name_m]Reyes[/name_m] and [name_u]Alex[/name_u]. Also, are [name_f]Socorro[/name_f] and Auxilio unisex names? I think I just met women with those names.

Auxilio is what someone yells when they need help. I would not use that as a name.

Rosario and [name_u]Guadalupe[/name_u] are technically unisex. [name_m]José[/name_m] is sometimes used for girls. [name_u]Angel[/name_u] is mostly used for boys, but can be used for a girl. Spanish names are typically pretty gendered.


Rio is unisex, but also short for [name_m]Valerio[/name_m]

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If you would use a nickname-name, [name_u]Valen[/name_u] is used as a nickname for both [name_f]Valentina[/name_f] (f) and [name_m]Valentín[/name_m] (m).

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Socorro and Auxílio are not used on their own, I believe. The names are combined with [name_u]Maria[/name_u], usually, so I would associate them with the female gender. They’re also very dated.

What about:


Most names in Spanish are pretty gendered, there’s not too many unisex names, most would be nicknames, but here’s some I can think of that haven’t been put down already.

Ale (ah-LEH, typically short for [name_m]Alejandro[/name_m] and [name_f]Alejandra[/name_f])
[name_u]Arlo[/name_u] (mostly used for boys but has some usage for girls)
[name_f]Odalis[/name_f] (typically used for girls but has some usage for boys as well)
[name_u]Max[/name_u] (short for [name_m]Maxim[/name_m], [name_m]Maximiliano[/name_m] and [name_f]Maximiliana[/name_f])
Adri (short for [name_m]Adrian[/name_m] and [name_f]Adriana[/name_f])
[name_f]Celes[/name_f] (short for [name_m]Celestino[/name_m] and [name_f]Celestina[/name_f])
[name_m]Geo[/name_m]/ [name_u]Gio[/name_u]
[name_f]Marce[/name_f]/ [name_f]Marcy[/name_f] (short for [name_m]Marcelo[/name_m] and [name_f]Marcela[/name_f])
[name_u]Jaime[/name_u] (HIGH-meh, more commonly used for boys but not super uncommon for girls)


¡Muchas gracias! I like [name_u]Sol[/name_u], wish [name_f]Luna[/name_f] were unisex as well )=

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Omg ! Thank you so much !

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Omg I forgot one! One that is legit unisex is [name_f]Alba[/name_f]! More used for girls but definitely has some usage for boys

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I found this list:

I don’t think unisex names are a huge thing in Spanish. [name_u]Or[/name_u] at least that’s what I’ve heard from my Spanish speaking friends. Most Spanish names are connected with saints or religion in some way. I’m not familiar with Auxilio but I’ve only heard of women named [name_f]Socorro[/name_f].