Loved reading everyone’s honest and helpful comments and lists
@Raindaygarden ~ so glad you loved Beltaine…and yes, Cassandra is a lovely name but not the most positive of classical mythological figures…btw, your NB moniker “Rainydaygarden” is one of my favorite ones.
@Zpk ~ Ursula is a great name - I didn’t know it had negative connotations…must research that one…cheers.
@Fanciful - I LOVE Jemima too…such a gorgeous name. Yes, it is sweet but also very ‘modern vintage’ if that makes sense…yes, it’s difficult at times finding a name your partner loves too… I know my partner loves the name Scarlett…I think it’s a gorgeous name as well, I’m just not a fan of the character as much as Melanie in GWTW…also prefer the name Melanie.
@C@29 ~ You have a wonderful array of names in your signature…love to read them. And yes, Narcissa is a unique name with a negative etymology linked to narcissism…not sure how to get around that one…sort of like the name Vanity…great sound and look but similar negative connotations.
@Hannahloulou ~ Re Perdita, that’s another name I didn’t know had a negative connotation. I thought it meant Pearl? Or is that another name…I know Marguerite means Pearl but I was sure there’s another name stating with P with the same meaning. And yes, I agree, Ophelia is a great sounding name… a wonderful name to be bestowed…
@Lisaskye ~ It’s interesting how names are interpreted…yes, I agree that if a name doesn’t reflect your belief or value system in some way then it can lose its ‘lustre’… however, if it captures your heart and imagination, it’s also difficult to let go of too…and yes, Delilah sounds lovely.
@Mrs_Anton_Yelchin1990 ~ Thanks for your very sensible and pragmatic advice that my head really appreciates. However, there are ‘murky recesses’ in my mind that feels a name has the potential to carry ‘vibrations’/ connotations that somehow may infuse with my child’s identity/ being (whether superficially or literally)…that sounds silly I know…otherwise, I also wish to give my child a name that personifies virtuous/ positive and/or heroic traits/connotations - something a child can aspire to be or glean some inspiration. Ophelia is a great name but I’m not enarmored with her in Hamlet (in relation to her tragic demise).
As for Cecelia, it’s a lovely name. And I love Cecily too…however, I didn’t know it literally meant ‘blind’. I know there’s a patron Saint of the blind called St. Cecelia but I thought her name meant something else… ya’ learn something new everyday… thanks!
@Simplysarahbeth ~ Great to hear your perspective on these names as not being off-limits. As for Kennedy and Salem, yes, they sound great but might take a “brave” mother to use them without second guessing her choice.
PS Love these great names in your signature i.e. Forrest, Sable, Jasper, Beau, Journey, River etc.
@Jtucker ~ Re your “Untouchables” list:
Isolde - Tristan is gorgeous! And so too is Isolde…but I understand the hesitation in using them both…
Odette - Great name - pitty Hubby says “no”
Emmeline - ditto
Francesca - ditto
Sephora - NMS but yes, too close to a brand name…I guess most people also associate Godiva with a chocolate brand (which I don’t mind so much being a chocoholic).
Jemima - yes, great name…but a no-go for some.
@Wimbledonberry ~ Great to hear you find Ophelia a suitable girl’s name. Yes, I probably am over-thinking it…sometimes it takes hearing somewhere else wear the name ‘well’ or agree it’s a nice name to finally accept it’s really a suitable name too. As for Jemima, love the name…but some do think it has negative connotations…sort of like India…but I love both names.
@Princesshannon ~ LOVE your last name!!! WOW, what a great name to have…I’d have a field day with that one… as far as I’m concerned, you can’t make it sound awful no matter what FN you attach it with…btw, love the double-colour name combo…i.e. Scarlett GRN, Violet GRN etc…wonderful IMHO.
And yes, it’s difficult to use a name similar to a person’s name in your family. In my case, I can’t use Evangeline or Evangelica as it’s similar to Angelina. However, Aurora in your signature is lovely too.
@Saracita00 ~ Haha, thanks for your insightful reply. Yes it seems we have very different taste in names. And yes, your perspective is very interesting/ amusing to me and I daresay a common response I’ve encountered with Godiva…however, I have no reservations with Godiva (which I pronounce God-ee-var not God-EYE-vah). Essentially, I for one love the story of Lady Godiva…and I absolutely adore the many fine historic artworks associated with it, especially the nudes. It just captures my imagination on so many levels. Alas, as you’ve noted, not everyone is smitten by the tale but instead associate it with recent smutty renderings of this heroic and virtuous female.
As for the Tit in Titania, yes I see it too but it just doesn’t bother me like the suicide/ snake connotations in the beautiful name Ophelia…I guess tits/ breasts nourish life which is a good thing in my books - so not offensive at all…besides, I pronounce Titania as Tie-tane-nia not Tit-ane-ia. But yes, I concede there is a lot of nudity/ feminine connotations now that you mention it (which btw, I have no problem with as I love nudes in artwork - testified by my NB avatar). So yes, I do find the name Godiva Titania beguiling in a good way ~ inclusive of the ‘artistic nude’ connotations.
@Minxtruck ~ Vivian/ Vivienne West sounds great to me!! It really sparkles…I totally think you can use it but also understand if you prefer a more unique sounding name as it really does conjure the designer and even the actress in my mind.
@Myosotis ~ Love reading your reply. And yes Morgana shines. As for Pandora, I absolutely love the name… in fact, it’s one of my all time favorite names…I have absolutely no negative associations with it as I think the mythology centers on hope and perseverance in the face of adversity (which I see as being heroic).
Re your “Untouchables” list:
Arsinoë - yes…I agree, untouchable!
Cadmium - I actually think this is lovely, but then I also like Magnesia!
Belladonna - LOVE LOVE LOVE this name…was a serious contender on my list too at one stage, but it’s botanical use is rather macabre. So, yes, untouchable.
Odessa - I’m actually not familiar with the story of Odessa…didn’t know it was negative…must research…I thought it was a seaport…
Etsy - yes, sounds nice… what a 'bout Betsy? Very cute names!
Medeia (Not entirely sure about this one, it may become usable at some point) - Lovely I agree…
Evangelise - I think this is lovely too…
Arachne - ‘Untouchable’ I agree…very harsh sound too…but nice look…
@Greyer ~ Jezebel sounds wonderful…pitty about the meaning! As for Clio, love the name…and I dont see Cli(toris) lol…but strangely enough, I see/ hear Cli(toris) in the boy’s name Clint!! Haha…
Re Belphoebe, it’s a gorgeous name…shame you feel you can’t use it…feel the same way re Bellatrix…my nephews and nieces have vetoed it…
@Melusina ~ Yes, I agree Virginia is pretty…but I do hear Vagina…I guess the same way people hear/ see tit in Titania lol…angina sounds like Vagina too but that’s discussion for another chat board…as for Clio - I don’t see Cli(toris)…so I think it’s safe to use IMHO…great name too.
@Ohluna ~
Thanks for your list:
Sephora: Sephora is nice but I ADORE Zara. I would use it in a heartbeat but a family member named their daughter this beatific name.
North: Great name too…despite the Kim Kardashian association. I guess I don’t watch the show so I still think it’s usable. Love the North Star / Polaris association.
Titania: Yes. I see the tit but I don’t hear it…so it’s still safe with me…
As for Godiva Titania…it’s totally safe and usable for me…but I get how people can be dissuaded by a pop cultural reading of the name…in any case, I do love many “odd ball” sounding names like Eglantine, Hortense etc so it’s just another typical example of my “odd ball” name tastes in motion…thanks for the considered feeback and list!!
@Polaroctopus ~ Wonderful to hear you love Ostara!! Great name. Daphne is a lovely name too