[name_m]Hi[/name_m] there,
At the moment I am just looking at names but would really like to find a nickname for [name_m]Eduardo[/name_m]. I don’t mind the classic [name_m]Ed[/name_m] or [name_m]Eddie[/name_m] but would love something that relates more to [name_m]Eduardo[/name_m] than [name_m]Edward[/name_m]. [name_f]Do[/name_f] any of you have an unusual nickname for [name_m]Eduardo[/name_m]?
Thank you 
You could use Wardo/[name_m]Duardo[/name_m]/Ardo. The traditional Spanish diminutive is [name_m]Lalo[/name_m] I believe (pronounced LAH-lo), and in Portuguese they use Dado, [name_f]Du[/name_f], Duda, Dudu and Edu, so in a similar vein you could probably get away with Dude.
I love the pps suggestion of [name_m]Lalo[/name_m]! So darling, but may not be intuitive for most people. I don’t know if that matters alot to you. The only one I can think of besides what’s been suggested is [name_u]Ari[/name_u].
Wardo is used by the Saccone-Jolys (A youtube vloging family) for their son [name_m]Eduardo[/name_m]
I love the channel Saccone Jolys! It’s where I first found the name [name_m]Eduardo[/name_m]. I really like the nickname Wardo but I thought it was just their accent at first. Thanks again 
I love [name_m]Aro[/name_m] and Duo as [name_m]Eduardo[/name_m]'s nicknames
[name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_m]Ary[/name_m] as a nickname! [name_m]How[/name_m] creative!
I have a friend (~30) named [name_m]Eduardo[/name_m] who goes by [name_m]Lalo[/name_m]. While not intuitive as a nickname, it’s an easy name and surprisingly translates just fine into adulthood. This is my favorite nickname suggestion! Such a friendly sounding name 
I know several Eduardos, and most of them go by Edu.