Using a greek nickname without being greek?

[name_m]Hi[/name_m] everyone,

So, I need to explain this question a bit. I might be genderfluid or nonbinary (questioning) and I am looking for a more neutral name. I have wanted a unisex name even before I started questioning my gender, but my birthname is very frilly and feminine, and it cannot easily be shortened to a unisex name. Recently while browsing my name’s Wikipedia page I came across the Greek diminutive for it, which also happens to be a masculine name in Italian and Spanish. Since name changes are close to illegal in my home country and it’s unusual to use a completely different name then your legal name I thought it would be a good idea to pick a name that has some connection to my birthname. That way, I can easily explain it and it wouldn’t raise too many eyebrows.

I’m wondering, would it be inappropriate to use a Greek nickname if I’m not Greek?

I think it would probably be okay - there are quite a number ofGreek names that have become more internationally used after all

I’m tagging @tallemaja as she might be able to give a more insightful perspective


It’s hard to say without knowing the name, but as someone from Greece, I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with it at all! In general, the only names that I’m a bit iffy about are those that are culturally significant, when the foreigners using them aren’t educated in their cultural significance. But since this is a diminutive it’s probably unlikely that it falls in this category, so I’m guessing that you’re absolutely fine!

The only note I have is absolutely nitpicky and a non-issue, but Greek does not have any gender neutral / unisex names, so I’d avoid calling it a Greek nickname specifically? You said it’s a masc name in Italian & Spanish, so I’d refer to it as a nickname with Greek/Italian/Spanish origins when using it as a unisex choice!


I think given the information we have it is fine! I don’t plan on using names outside my culture. I’d feel way differently if it was specifically never used outside of a certain culture (I’m latine so I’m thinking [name_m]Jesus[/name_m] or santos).