Im usually against using popular names but [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] is partners mothers maiden name. I quite like the sound of it and it obviously has meaning to it. It’d probably be a middle name but could potentially be the first name. Would you use a name you wouldnt normally go for due to popularity if it had meaning behind it?
Meaning would definitely make me more attached to a name. Usually for popularity, I would be weary of a name in the top 50, but a strong association would make me more lenient. I still wouldn’t want to go for a top 20 name though.
That said, I have no issues with popularity forvmiddle names, which is where I intend to use honours, though some may also get first place. I don’t think having a super popular middle name is an issue, as long as the parents have reasoning behind it.
I think [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] is adorable and not too popular. It obviously has meaning for you so I’d go for it!
Probably not, but then I’m not a huge fan of honour names. Nonetheless, I think the meaning is clearly important to you, which would outweigh the popularity - it would be great, especially as a middle, and it works as a first!!
Yes, I would! Some of my favorite names are quite popular, and just about all of them have some sort of personal or family connection. [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] is such a sweet choice!
Thanks for the replies. Now without causing any drama, can you see the name on a mixed race girl? I know names arent specifically tied to race but this baby will be black jamaican/white british. Is [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] a pretty universal name?
Yeah, I’d say [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] is universal!
I would 100% use it, but only as a middle name. I don’t plan on using honor names as first names, because I think it’s nice to have your own first. I do have some rather popular honor names in my roster, but I plan on using them anyway, because honor trumps popularity for me–but also, popularity doesn’t matter so much when it’s tucked nicely in the middle.
P.S. I think [name_u]Mackenzie[/name_u] can work on any baby–any race, and any sex, for that matter. It’s really the ideal honor name: it’s familiar, relatively gender neutral, and sounds good with lots of less popular first names.