Using Same Letter for Siblings

I’ve noticed on nameberry that many people don’t recommend using the same letter for siblings ([name]Kelsey[/name] and [name]Kyle[/name]…[name]Alexander[/name], [name]Abigail[/name], [name]Anna[/name]). I am a fan of this trend. What are the reasons you do or do not like this naming style?

My husband and son are [name]Michael[/name] and [name]Miles[/name]. Its sweet, but

  1. I do sometimes say their names wrong. I imagine it would be worse for brothers.
  2. Also, when I meet a family, I am more likely to remember the individual names if they start with different letters.
  3. I wouldn’t want to back myself in a corner. There aren’t too many names I really really love so I don’t want to have to name my third kid a name I wouldn’t like just to follow a trend.
  4. Easier labeling of items if you only need the first initial.

But these are not huge deals. And to me, it matters less if they are boy-girl than same-sex siblings.

I say [name]Kelsey[/name] and [name]Kyle[/name] - too similar. I might accidentally call the daughter [name]Kylie[/name] or the son Kelson. [name]Kyle[/name] and [name]Katie[/name], OK, [name]Kelsey[/name] and [name]Kevin[/name] ok. Different consonant sounds.

[name]Alexander[/name] and [name]Abigail[/name] and [name]Anna[/name] - yes. OK.

I have this question in my own family, because I like the initials of my son [name]Miles[/name] but I don’t know if it’s wise to give another M name.

I admit that I find the trend kind of fun, and I like to think of sibling names that all start with the same letter, but in reality I would never do it because I want each name that I choose to be a name that I [name]LOVE[/name]. If I happen to love all N names (which would be the most likely letter for me to fall into!), then I will give them all N names. But suppose I have a dozen children with N names that I love and my thirteenth favorite name starts with an L, then that thirteenth child will have an L name and that’s that. I don’t want to limit my choices by sticking to one letter, and I don’t want to deprive my child of a name that I am truly in love with just so I can continue my pattern. I feel that if parents give their first child a name that they [name]LOVE[/name], then each child deserves that same gift, not just a name that happens to begin with the same letter as the name they loved first.