
What does this name bring to mind? What kind of person do you picture? How would you feel about meeting a little [name_f]Velma[/name_f]?



@Youssarian Obviously, but do you have any other thoughts about the name? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you hate it or love it? What would you think if you met a child named [name_f]Velma[/name_f]? It’s my grandma’s name.

I don’t hate it but it definitely still has old lady vibes. I think i prefer [name_f]Elma[/name_f] or [name_f]Vela[/name_f].
I can see [name_f]Velma[/name_f] making a comeback at some point though.

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[name_f]My[/name_f] first thought is strongly the [name_m]Scooby[/name_m] Doo character follwed by the character in [name_u]Chicago[/name_u]. Outside of those strong associations I like it, it has a sort of roaring 20’s flair that I dig and I would be pretty delighted to meet a little [name_f]Velma[/name_f] since its so unexpected.

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[name_m]Scooby[/name_m] Doo is my first thought, but in general, it gives me the vibes of a Zelda-Alma hybrid: -

  • sharp, intriguing and slightly mystical, but with a touch of vintage charm and glamour
  • cosy, warm, and homely, but with a bit of spark and quiet confidence.

So, I guess it feels a bit vintage, a bit homely, but a slight witchy-ness too? Somehow both sharp and clunky

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It’s on my name list too, mainly because my grand-aunt is named [name_f]Velma[/name_f]

I would love to see more people naming their daughter [name_f]Velma[/name_f]!

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It kind of has a retro-cool vibe to me! Obviously rather old-timey, but the distinctive V beginning gives it a bit of an edge, I like it, to be honest! But I’m biased because I really love [name_f]Velma[/name_f] from [name_m]Scooby[/name_m] Doo too :sweat_smile:

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I’m not good as describing names. With that said…Velma’s a great name. [name_m]Even[/name_m] with the Scooby-Doo character whose honestly a fantastc association because she’s smart, capable, and non-apologetic about who she is. We need more Velma’s.

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[name_f]Velma[/name_f] feels kind of nerdy maybe “bookish” for the lack of better words. I picture someone who is serious, detail-oriented and curious.

I’d love to meet a little [name_f]Velma[/name_f]!

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