
Hey, all.

What do you think of the name [name_f]Vesta[/name_f]? On Nameberry’s page for it, all it says is that it’s “not recommended”, but I’m not sure why. Is there something I’m missing?

It makes me think of the Vestal Virgins of [name_m]Rome[/name_m], but that’s probably not most people’s reaction. I think the right girl and woman could pull it off and it would be great. If you love it-- and it has a nice meaning-- I’d say go for it!

Hmm… Honestly, I have no idea why its name page says that! I feel that it’s unnecessarily flippant and dismissive. [name_f]Vesta[/name_f] is the [name_m]Roman[/name_m] version of [name_f]Hestia[/name_f], goddess of home and hearth. I think the sound of [name_f]Vesta[/name_f] is really bright, strong and modern. A couple theories: 1) [name_f]Vesta[/name_f], as the goddess of home and hearth, might be a little too domestic or arcane-gender-role-related 2) A vest is an item of clothing; maybe the writers find it too close? 3) Vestal virgin association?

I know an Avesta, which I like

i went to college with a girl named [name_f]Vesta[/name_f]. She wore it well. It’s a little harsh-sounding to my ears, but I love the mythological connection.

[name_f]Vesta[/name_f] the goddess was not only the goddess of hearth and home, she also essentially saved [name_m]Olympus[/name_m]/[name_f]Earth[/name_f] from civil war by offering to give up her throne for [name_m]Dionysus[/name_m]. I think the myth is a model for humility and diplomacy.

I’m not sure why they’re adding that opinion in- “not recommended” seems a bit harsh for [name_f]Vesta[/name_f]. Besides Vestal Virgins, I guess it sounds a bit like [name_f]Vespa[/name_f]? It’s not a name I would pick personally but I can see it being a lovely choice for the right family. I do think it’d be a very cool middle name, too.

I like it! It reminds me of the aunt character from the tv show [name_f]Sabrina[/name_f] the Teenage Witch which I loved growing up.

Thanks for the replies! It’s a name I’m considering for a character in a novel I’m writing, who is symbolic of purity and virtue, so I like that in Latin, [name_f]Vesta[/name_f] means “pure”. I just wasn’t sure if there was some glaring negative association I was missing. It doesn’t sound like there is. :slight_smile:

It sounds nice, but I think the “vest” part is a bit too prominent for my liking, I don’t necessarily want my kid to be associated with a particular item of clothing. It would be a super cool middle for sure, and I think it still could work as a first.