Violet Collett .. Too rhyme-y?

How’s [name_f]Collett[/name_f] pronounced?

It might rhyme but I think that’s kind of cool. It makes the name catchy and memorable. Personally I’m pretty obsessed with it!

Yes, the flow is very stiltet. Not just the double -t ending, but two entire syllables: oh-let, oh-let.


  • Vivienne / Vivian
  • Ivy
  • Vera
  • Lavinia
  • Violetta
  • Viola
  • Vista
  • Evelyn
  • Evangeline
  • Eva
  • Eugénie
  • Everly
  • Avery / Averie

How are you pronouncing Violet? I have never heard of the oh-let pronunciation. Where I am from we say Vy-lit.

For me it depends how your last name is pronounced. I think Violet Coll-ETT is ok, but Violet COLL-ett is too rhymey and choppy. Violet Genevieve is a pretty combo.

Violet was in my best friend’s top three- maybe you have similar taste? If so maybe you would also like Cora or Laila/Lila.

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I love [name_f]Violet[/name_f] but I would not probably use it with that last name :disappointed:
[name_u]Vivian[/name_u] [name_f]Collett[/name_f] sounds gorgeous though!

These also give me the same vibe:

I’m sure you’ll find the perfect name :heart:

I find it a bit rhymey, but rhymey is ok. Who cares what a bunch of internet strangers think though - if you and your husband love it, use it.

She’ll learn to love the rhyme.

Totally agree. I’ve made the mistake of asking the internet about a name i LOVE before and then getting upset by the responses. If you absolutely love it just go with it!