Tagging @ethelmary because I know that they speak Latin.
VIR is the word for “husband”, according to Google.
- Vela “Spears” (DB) [name_f]Isadora[/name_f] R •
Is this a problem?
Tagging @ethelmary because I know that they speak Latin.
VIR is the word for “husband”, according to Google.
Is this a problem?
I don’t think it should be too much of a problem, given the fact that not many people nowadays know Latin.
I wouldn‘t have noticed a latin word in the initials, and though I‘m not a latin speaker, I don‘t think it‘s a problem. Especially as Latin is a language that isn‘t spoken generally.
I’m more advanced in latin than laurie, and I will say that upon seeing “vir”, my mind first went to the latin word. it can be used to mean husband, but is used more generally to mean man. however, that’s not really a problem. these are initials, and even if your child studied classics, it’s a small coincidence at most. the word is not really connotationally loaded at all, so even if you thought about it a lot, you wouldn’t really care. this is less than a problem.
VIR is only the initials, so I don’t think it’d be a problem. The chances that your child or other people would look up “What does Vir mean” or something of the likes is unlikely and most people nowadays don’t know Latin either.
I don’t think that’s a problem
As a Latin learner I thought of the word for “man” (I’d say maritus for husband). But I doubt many people will, so I suppose it’s fine.
Honestly I find any initials completely fine as long as they aren’t rude or offensive.
I think it’s fine. It’s not rude or offensive in anyway
Vir means “to come” in Portuguese.
yes, seconding what @Estrela said. I don’t think of the latin, but rather Portuguese for ‘to come’.
I don’t think most people would notice, unless you live in a country where Portuguese is the main language, or are around Portuguese speakers regularly.
I am aware of the Portuguese and Latin meanings, but I highly doubt this would be a problem. Neither connotation is offensive, and the likelihood that someone will notice this in a person’s initials is very low.
I don’t think it’s problem.
Thanks to everyone that replied!