Want a name that *Sparkles*

See the results of this poll: Do you like the name Tessa? (nn Tess)…does it "sparkle" for you?

Respondents: 104 (This poll is closed)

  • Yes, I love it! It’s a WOW name: 19 (18%)
  • Yes, I like it: 28 (27%)
  • No, I hate it: 21 (20%)
  • Yeah, it’s ok: 36 (35%)

I voted! [name]Just[/name] for [name]Josephine[/name]. I think [name]Fiona[/name], I think ogre. [name]Louisa[/name] is pretty, but just “eh” to me, probably b/c of its overuse in the mn spot (sad, b/c it is pretty). Doesn’t have the WOW factor you are looking for.

Have you thought about [name]Josephina[/name]? [name]Fiona[/name] and [name]Louisa[/name] end in A, which is why I ask. :slight_smile:

(I also love NB polls.)

yeah, I like [name]Josephina[/name] in theory but in real life it would be a bit much for me, ya know? I love the name [name]Josephine[/name] just worry that maybe it doesn’t have that wow factor I’m looking for? Sooo I changed my poll to just [name]Louisa[/name] and added one. [name]Tessa[/name] [name]June[/name]! Wanted to see what you berries thought. I think [name]Tessa[/name] [name]June[/name] and [name]Louisa[/name] nn [name]Lulu[/name] are both so cute and spunky :slight_smile:

Now with [name]Tessa[/name], I really think you have something there. It’s approachable but different. Easy to spell, pronounce, etc. but not one you hear every day. I have only known one [name]Tessa[/name] and when I heard her name, I did think WOW. This was over 15 years ago too and I still remember! This [name]Tessa[/name] had two sisters, I am trying to remember their names but can’t!

For me, [name]Tessa[/name] is the clear winner.

thanks gray! You comments are very helpful :). Spoke to my Dh and although he doesn’t like [name]Cordelia[/name] he does like [name]Delia[/name]! And that name comes with so many great nn’s like [name]Dee[/name], [name]Dell[/name], [name]Della[/name], and even [name]Lia[/name]. All of which I like ([name]Lia[/name] being my least fav, but it’s ok). He likes the combo of [name]Delia[/name] [name]Belle[/name]. But I would have to search around to see if I like something better.

I also really like [name]Tessa[/name] nn [name]Tess[/name]. He doesn’t like [name]Tessa[/name] [name]June[/name], so I would probably go with [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] or [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name].

My Dh likes [name]Delia[/name] and is “so so” on [name]Tessa[/name]. But I could sway him if I really wanted to ;). hehe

Thanks again!

Haha I love that the poll keeps updating!

Re: [name]Tessa[/name] vs. [name]Delia[/name]. Quite a pair. I don’t know if I could pick one! I do like [name]Delia[/name] (and [name]Nadia[/name], which I think has the same feel), but I don’t think I like it more than [name]Tessa[/name].

The ONLY tiny, small, itsy bitsy thing with [name]Delia[/name] is that MTV cartoon show about that girl who didn’t care about stuff. Her name was [name]Delia[/name] too.

Since there are no TV shows (that I know of…) with a [name]Tessa[/name] in them, I would choose [name]Tessa[/name] over [name]Delia[/name].

What else you got? :slight_smile:

haha, I know right? the poll keeps changing ;). NB is awesome like that. So easy to change it. Yeah, I think I like [name]Tessa[/name] way better also. [name]Delia[/name] for some reason doesn’t feel classy to me right? So [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name] and [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] is all I’ve got now. It’s funny, everytime I go through names, [name]Tessa[/name] is the one that wins out! hmmm, I might just have to convince my Dh on this one. I’m not 100% on it, I want to see it as a wow name, but the simplicity of it makes me think, well maybe not? I think I need to sit with it even more. I do love it though. [name]Nadia[/name] is so great! I think it’s a bit “too” ethnic sounding though?

[name]Tess[/name] / [name]Tessa[/name] are awesome. Definitely in my top 5 girl names. Maybe even top.

hmm, what about luella? Too much like Cruella? Another name I’m thinking about

I like [name]Luella[/name] too. Seems very warm, Southern even. [name]Tessa[/name] seems to me like it could go NYC or LA, [name]Boston[/name] or New Orleans, Chicago or St. [name]Louis[/name]. Or middle-of-nowhere. Anywhere.

I love [name]Madeleine[/name] in the mn spot (one of our options for a girl too). I randomly am a fan of initial nns, like TJ for [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]. That is how I got my husband on board with [name]Theodore[/name], a name he hated…until I told him [name]Jack[/name] [name]Theodore[/name] could be JT, then he loved it. You never know what is going to “work” with those men. :slight_smile:

I do agree about [name]Nadia[/name] sounding ethnic a little bit. I think it would be really refreshing to see on a little blondie though! Our girl name is [name]Nina[/name], and so far the only two Ninas I have met were Swedish and [name]Asian[/name]. Go figure?

I am still liking [name]Tessa[/name]! What are your husband’s reservations? (My husband nixed it b/c his boss is [name]Theresa[/name], and she thought we were naming the baby after her.)

I love the name [name]Tessa[/name]! That was our girl name when I was pregnant. I’ve only come across 1 person named [name]Tessa[/name] & she was in her early 20’s. Good luck!

I love [name]Tessa[/name] and agree with all the positive comments about it. But I wouldn’t exactly call it a “WOW” name, I think it’s a little too simple to really wow me. It’s beautiful and sweet and cool, and I can imagine just about any type of person named [name]Tessa[/name]. I hope you don’t take this comment as a negative, I’m a theatre girl too so I totally understand your need for a name that sparkles! I don’t know your last name, but how well does [name]Tessa[/name] go with it? [name]How[/name] would [name]Tessa[/name] Lastname look on a playbill? And I [name]DO[/name] think the combo [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] is a wower! I prefer it tenfold to [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name]. When I did a lot of theatre I dropped my boring last name and used my middle instead, so I was [name]Lyndsay[/name] Jenness which was a vast improvement. And [name]Tessa[/name] is much much much more interesting than [name]Lyndsay[/name]. So in summary, it seems obvious that [name]Tessa[/name] is the name for you! It’s time to convince hubby!

Thanks berries! Fabulous comments :-). So glad you girls get the show stopper type of thing I’m after. I’ve been doing regional musical theater since I was very young. Singing, acting, a bit of dancing, it’s just in my blood and I love the stage :). [name]Haven[/name]'t done it in a while with work and now kids but I’ll get back to it some day, I miss it. Anyway, I digress!

So yeah, I do think [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] fits the name I am after. Like you said, [name]Tessa[/name] isn’t wow per say but it is very cool and pretty name. It sounds great with my last name. My last name kinda sounds like Minneli as in liza minneli.

The other name I was thinking about for a while is [name]Daphne[/name]. I think it has a ton of character. [name]Daphne[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]. I worry about scooby doo associations and daffy duck nicknames though. I feel like if I introduce her as [name]Daphne[/name] everyone is going to say, “oh like in scooby?” I’ve read online that people have experienced a lot of this so I’m very hesitant with this name.

But yeah, [name]Tessa[/name] and [name]Daphne[/name] are my top two, with [name]Tessa[/name] definitely in the lead. But I don’t know if it’s “the one” kwim? I want a name that sparkle’s that wow’s me and of course it wouldn’t hurt if it wow’ed other people as well ;). [name]Tessa[/name] just isn’t doing it 100% for me. I’m with all of you, I LIKE it, but I don’t love it.

Is there a name out there for me? I don’t know if one even exists, it’s crazy. My DD is named [name]Violet[/name] and I [name]LOVE[/name] her name. It does it for me. I wish I could find a name that I loved just as much.

Thanks guys!

Yeah [name]Tessa[/name] is a nice name, but nothing about it wows me. [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Tessa[/name] do go well together though. What about [name]Gemma[/name]?

I like [name]Tess[/name] and [name]Tessa[/name] a lot. [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] is v pretty. I do prefer [name]Daphne[/name] with [name]Violet[/name] though. I think they would be a lovely pair!

I am going to be a bit pedantic and take you up on this sentence as it is a bit of a bug bear of mine.

‘[name]Nadia[/name] is so great! I think it’s a bit “too” ethnic sounding though?’
There is no such thing as a name sounding ‘ethnic’. You might think of it as being mostly used by a certain ethnic group/ people of a certain ethnic origin (Caucasian/ [name]Asian[/name], etc) but to say that is sounds ‘ethnic’ makes no sense.

All the best with your baby.

yeah I hear you about the ethinic thing. I tried to say it in such a way as to not offend! I didn’t want to say that it sounded to spanish perhaps or middle eastern? Cause I didn’t want to offend so I was trying to be very general, but ya, it didn’t make sense!! haha. You are right. I do actually like [name]Nadia[/name] a LOT. And I’m going to reconsider her. I think she could be my show stopper. Any cute nn’s for her? [name]Nonnie[/name] maybe? [name]Nadia[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]? Wow, I really like it! Thank you for having me reconsider it. She would work fine for us I think. You don’t have to be a certain nationality to use a name.

I also really like the name [name]Nina[/name] had never even heard it before! Maybe I was looking in all of the wrong places for “the” name. Wow, thanks for the suggestion

I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Gemma[/name] and so does my Dh…but it sounds like [name]Jenna[/name] and I don’t want people to get confused. I live in the US. Also [name]Gem[/name] rhymes with [name]Gwen[/name], [name]Jen[/name], [name]Pen[/name], ect ect…and my names rhymes with that as well. So it might sound funny, you know?

I like gwendolyn a lot nn gwen and gwenie, but for those rhyming reasons, I shy away from it. Plus Dh isn’t a fan of this one, but hey I can get him to like ‘almost’ anything, hehe

[name]Love[/name] [name]Daphne[/name], I think she goes great with big sis [name]Violet[/name] due to the daffodil assocation. But I don’t know…does she sparkle for me? Maybe. She has a ton of character. But the worry of teasing gets the best of me sometimes. She’s on the waiting list! :wink:

Wow, [name]Nadia[/name] and [name]Gemma[/name]. I love those names. And gemma is very uncommon where Iive. Hopefully not too weird though in the US. [name]GEM[/name] is fabulous by the way. [name]Nadia[/name], love how that sounds.

Fantastic picks so far, I have just added two names to my nonexisted list so that is a wonderful start! Keep up coming berries :wink:

Bellarina- I’m honestly not offended at all! It is just a term that is used a lot but doesn’t make sense. If you had said you felt it was Spanish or too exotic for you or whatever, I would have understood :slight_smile:
[name]Nadia[/name] is a pretty name as is [name]Nina[/name].
For me, [name]Gemma[/name] is not special at all but that is probably because I am from the UK where it was quite popular in the 70s/80s.
My favourite with [name]Violet[/name] is still [name]Daphne[/name]. I can imagine two stylish flapper girls with those names! [name]Do[/name] you like [name]Pearl[/name] at all?

I know right? It daphne does go really well with violet. I worry though that every tine I introduce her I’m goingto get " oh like scooby doo?". [name]Ive[/name] read that it happens a Lot to sweet little daphnes! [name]Pearl[/name] is really nice. It’s funny that u suggest it cause she has been on my mind. I think of her as such a pretty name. Another part of me thinks It might be too old fashioned even for me. The [name]Earl[/name] sound is what gets me. Its a very special name and I think it sounds fresh again. Also. I like word names. I would go with ruby but it sounds too much like my son robby. Hmm. [name]Pearl[/name]. I’m gonna think about that

What about [name]Helena[/name]? It honors both my grandmother grandfather and great grandmother. And I really like it! I definitely think it sparkles yeah? And either no nn or a spunky one like [name]Nell[/name]? What’s he best way to pronounce it. I’m thinking. He lee nah. But it coul also be hel eh nah. The first way I like better since I don’t like he nn [name]Helen[/name]. [name]Do[/name] u think that is a common nn for [name]Helena[/name]? [name]Lena[/name] is another nn but I feel like [name]Nell[/name] is spunkier right? I like both or no nn actually. What do u irks think? [name]Violet[/name] and [name]Helena[/name]? So for middles. [name]Helena[/name] [name]Juliet[/name]? Hmm. I have to search around. But I like that one

I love [name]Gemma[/name], and the [name]Gem[/name] part is what makes it sparkle to me. I dont know about [name]Helena[/name], it depends on how you prn it. Huh-lay-nuh is soft and feminine to my ears but [name]Helen[/name]-uh is harsh and not so attractive imo. Another name to consider is [name]Talia[/name], it is similar to [name]Nadia[/name], but has a sweeter image imo. [name]Nadia[/name] seems like a “bad girl” names to me, maybe it is the naughty sound, I dont know. There is nothing wrong with a bad girl image, it would just be in sharp contrast to the sweet [name]Violet[/name].