I don’t post my own forums much, and I’m not pregnant, but I was just wondering about the name [name]Charlie[/name]. I think it’s really cute as a nickname, but not really “enough” as a name on its own, right? Since I don’t like the name [name]Charles[/name], I was just wondering if there were any other names that could, possibly, have the nickname [name]Charlie[/name]. I’m ok with far-fetched ones, too. I hope you can help me!
[name]Charlton[/name], or [name]Charleston[/name] is al i can think of for now:)
The only one I could find was [name]Chardin[/name], since Charlin seems so feminine…
This is going to sound like a long stretch… [name]Richard[/name]? The ‘char’ combo is already there and the name contains an ‘i’, plus if you can get [name]Dick[/name] out of [name]Richard[/name] than why not [name]Charlie[/name]?
[name]Just[/name] a thought:)
- [name]Charlie[/name]