Welcome, little one!

Also I forgot to mention how great that was that you got to avoid a C-section in such an awesome way! [name_m]God[/name_m] is wonderful!!!


I felt apprehensive about having a hospital birth this time (1st time since my Alfie) because I dread having a passive tug-o-war over how the birth goes (my first time the doctor ordered pitocin for me without ever consulting me and I wouldn’t have even known if the nurse hadn’t been speaking to herself aloud about administering it!) This time around, I had a very late first ultrasound and we were all unsure of my estimated due date but the doctors thought my baby was measuring pretty small. They changed the estimated due date around and had me going in for multiple ultrasound checkups to measure baby boy. I was a little worried but mostly felt like baby was fine and trusted that [name_m]God[/name_m] had a reason for it all and that He knows more than anyone about the whole situation. [name_m]Skip[/name_m] to my hospital birth where I went in having stalled early labor contractions at 4 cm and the hospital reluctantly admitting me. I initially was over the top anxious about the labor at that point. The hospital midwife and other staff had told me that I’d have to be induced if I wasn’t progressing on their schedule. As I was waiting in the delivery room, the midwife comes in and tells me that the doctor informed her that they actually can’t induce me at all because their notes indicated that my due date was uncertain so they may be inducing a premature baby! How I laughed to myself and rejoiced at God’s great way of caring for our troubles all along!! :blush:

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Congratulations! [name_f]Augusta[/name_f] [name_f]Ingrid[/name_f] is such a strong, beautiful name.

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Congratulations!!! Absolutely gorgeous name!:heart_eyes:

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Three cheers for [name_f]Augusta[/name_f] [name_f]Ingrid[/name_f]! What a beautiful, spirited name for your little girl. Congrats!

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[name_m]God[/name_m] is wonderful indeed! It was inspiring to see Him at work in such a meaningful way :blush: Definitely not something I’ll forget!

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Those paramedics will never forget it either! [name_f]My[/name_f] FIL is a retired cop, did 3 deliveries and said it was the highlight of his career <3


That’s really lovely to hear! I can imagine that among all the hardships police, firemen and paramedics see and experience, bringing a new life into the world is very rewarding!

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