Wesley vs. Westley

Which do you prefer and why?

Thoughts? Experiences? Opinions?

[name]Wesley[/name]. It’s just more sleek and streamline, and looks better written down.

I prefer [name]Wesley[/name]. It’s a recent favorite for me. I like [name]Westley[/name] too, but it seems like the “t” would be missed often…

This is what I thought as well.

I vote for [name]Wesley[/name], just because I think it sounds better said aloud.

I really like both, but if forced I would choose [name]Wesley[/name]. I went to elementary school with a [name]Westley[/name] and it seemed as if most people ended up pronouncing his name as [name]Wesley[/name].

I agree with southern.maple. In fact, [name]Wesley[/name] is also on my list as well! I especially love the nn [name]Wes[/name].

Another vote for [name]Wesley[/name] :slight_smile:

I prefer [name]Westley[/name]. I am not a fan of [name]Wes[/name] at all, but I love [name]West[/name], and I love the connection to [name]Princess[/name] [name]Bride[/name]. :slight_smile: [name]Wesley[/name] always seemed rather drab and boring to me, but [name]Westley[/name] has a bit of spunk that I really like. In general, though, I prefer just [name]West[/name].

I like both, but much prefer [name]Westley[/name]. The t seems to make it a little more masculine and hard sounding, which I prefer. I read a book with a female character named [name]Wesley[/name], so it always seemed a little too soft for me. I also prefer [name]West[/name] to [name]Wes[/name]. I like the association with the direction [name]West[/name].

[name]Ah[/name]… [name]Westley[/name]. I’d avoid it because of “The [name]Princess[/name] [name]Bride[/name]” connection, frankly. Good movie and all, but that’s really the only [name]Westley[/name] in pop culture, I think, so the association is automatic.

[name]West[/name], on the other hand, I quite like. I used to teach one, who had a knack for softly but firmly emphasizing the ‘t’ when he introduced himself-- I never heard anyone get it wrong.

I like [name]Westley[/name] better, but if I was actually going to use one I’d pick [name]Wesley[/name] because it’s more traditional and the more common spelling.

I have the same question. I actually like [name]Westley[/name] better. I can’t get past the feminine sound to [name]Wesley[/name]. But would worry about that ‘t.’ Lol. I actually like [name]Weston[/name] best but it doesn’t go with the middle name I like :(.

I agree with the others. [name]Wesley[/name] is sleeker and more streamlined than [name]Westley[/name], and I think he’ll get a lot less misspellings with [name]Wesley[/name] as well.

I am strongly in favor of [name_m]Westley[/name_m] over [name_m]Wesley[/name_m] for many of the same reasons that others have said. [name_m]Westley[/name_m] seems stronger, more masculine and stately whereas [name_m]Wesley[/name_m] seems lazy and soft to me.

I like both but prefer [name_m]Wesley[/name_m] with nn [name_m]Wes[/name_m]. I think it just depends on your style… [name_m]Wes[/name_m] feels more simple/straightforward (my preferred style) or [name_m]Westley[/name_m] feels like it has a little extra flare. [name_m]Can[/name_m]’t go wrong!

Another vote for [name_m]Wesley[/name_m]

I lrefer [name_m]Wesley[/name_m]. It seems like a such a small thing, but the addition of the -t makes it more difficult for me to say out loud.

I prefer [name_u]West[/name_u] over [name_m]Westley[/name_m] and so would prefer [name_m]Wesley[/name_m] in this case.

Wesley would be my pick. [name_u]Love[/name_u] nn [name_m]Wes[/name_m] too