What are some boy names that mean

What are some boy names that mean light, or dawn/sunrise, something like that? Making it to a new day, a new sunrise holds deep personal significance to me, and I was wondering if there were any names that could carry that sort of meaning that you can think of.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

I’m a bit of a classicist so I was inspired by [name_m]Roman[/name_m] and Greek mythology (especially [name_m]Roman[/name_m]). I tried to find names that could be used on a daily basis (like, nothing that a kid would be teased for) which turned out to be really difficult. You’d think that there’d be more names based on sunrise.

[name_m]Lucian[/name_m] or [name_m]Luciano[/name_m] are pretty common boy names that mean “light”. I think [name_m]Luke[/name_m] or [name_m]Lucas[/name_m] can westernize them a bit. [name_m]Even[/name_m] the [name_m]French[/name_m] [name_m]Luc[/name_m] for something a bit more interesting.

In Ancient [name_m]Rome[/name_m], [name_m]King[/name_m] Servius [name_m]Tullius[/name_m] was said to have divine qualities when, as a child, he was found with a crown of fire around his head, which was seen as an omen for his royal destiny. He was actually pretty well-liked by the people and a good leader (considered to be [name_m]Rome[/name_m]'s second founder after [name_m]Romulus[/name_m]). He improved the lives of his citizens, including those living in poverty (so he’s sort of like a light at the end of a storm). Variations of this name could be [name_m]Steven[/name_m] (meaning “crown”), [name_u]Tully[/name_u] (Irish for “peaceful”), [name_m]Tulio[/name_m] (variation on [name_m]Tullius[/name_m]).

[name_m]Bodhi[/name_m] could be an interesting take on a new light or dawn. It means enlightenment, or moving into a state of freedom from hatred (so, moving into light and away from darkness). Another name meaning enlightened is [name_m]Aaron[/name_m] (coincidentally, [name_m]Aroon[/name_m] is Thai for “dawn”).

[name_m]Sol[/name_m] is the [name_m]Roman[/name_m] solar deity (so he’s like a personification of the sun) and where the Italian and [name_m]French[/name_m] words for “sun” come from (sole and soleil, respectively). It can be used as a shortened variation of [name_m]Solomon[/name_m] (meaning “peace”) or can be written as [name_m]Saul[/name_m] (“prayed for”) since they have an identical pronunciation. [name_m]Even[/name_m] [name_m]Salvatore[/name_m]/ [name_m]Salvador[/name_m] could be interesting variations since they mean “saviour” (like, he can carry you into the next day).

[name_u]Diaz[/name_u] is Spanish for “days”. With the name [name_u]Diaz[/name_u], it could hold the significance of symbolizing a new day, like a clean slate and a fresh start.

[name_m]Aurelius[/name_m] is Latin for “the golden one” and the masculine variation of [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] (the goddess of dawn). Nicknames/ variations like [name_u]Ari[/name_u] or [name_u]Ariel[/name_u] could be really cool (though, they both mean “lion”), or the Celtic [name_m]Auryn[/name_m] (“gold”).

[name_u]Blaise[/name_u] / [name_u]Blaze[/name_u] might be an interesting name. A bit on the nose for “light”, but really cool middle name.

[name_m]Anatole[/name_m]: [name_m]French[/name_m] variation of the Greek [name_m]Anatolios[/name_m], meaning “rising sun”. So, it literally means “dawn” or “sunrise”. [name_u]Nat[/name_u] or [name_m]Natty[/name_m] could make adorable nicknames.

[name_u]Nouvel[/name_u]: [name_m]French[/name_m] for “new”. So, like a new day, new chance, new start, etc. Or, [name_f]Nova[/name_f], which is Latin for “new” and evokes the image of a bright light. [name_f]Nova[/name_f] could be a nickname for [name_u]Nouvel[/name_u] (but I would probably prefer [name_u]Nouvel[/name_u] as a middle name).

[name_u]Asa[/name_u]: means “born in the morning”.

[name_m]Wells[/name_m]: means “spring” which is a time when the days grow longer (so, another name about moving into the light and away from darkness).

While googling “names meaning sunrise”, I found this link to a previous Nameberry forum about sunrise/ renewal names, if you want to check it out: Nameberry - Welcome to the Nameberry Forums

I hope something here is helpful. Sorry this is such a long post.

Thank you for the detailed answer! I like [name_m]Bodhi[/name_m], not sure I’d use it. But out of the rest I like [name_m]Aurelius[/name_m] (or [name_m]Aurelian[/name_m]), [name_m]Lucian[/name_m], and from the thread you linked I found [name_m]Zoran[/name_m]. Which ended up leading me also to [name_m]Zorion[/name_m], which apparently means “happiness.” Some good options. :slight_smile:

[name_f]Glad[/name_f] I could be of some help then :slight_smile: [name_m]Zorion[/name_m] is a really nice name!