As a fan of Greek and [name_m]Roman[/name_m] mythological names, I’m getting a bit tired of always reading the same ol’ names every time a thread about mythological names pops up. [name_m]Don[/name_m]'t get me wrong, most of them are stunning and I get why they’re so “popular”, but I’d like to hear some new names every once in a while.
So, the title says it all! Tell me your favorite names from Greek/[name_m]Roman[/name_m] mythology that aren’t as famous as [name_f]Minerva[/name_f] or [name_f]Penelope[/name_f] (both male and female). My personal faves that fall into this category are Merope (one of the seven Pleiades), [name_f]Asteria[/name_f] (an Amazon woman), Semele ([name_m]Dionysus[/name_m]’ mother) and Tethys ([name_m]Titan[/name_m]).
Hmm… I started out naming figures that were relatively unknown, and then it just became ones that are not commonly used.
Arsinoe (R-sin-o-weh)
Polyxena ([name_m]Pall[/name_m]-eg-zheen-uh)
[name_f]Ariadne[/name_f] ([name_f]Air[/name_f]-ee-add-nee)
[name_f]Kore[/name_f] (Kor-ee)
[name_f]Eirene[/name_f] (kind of like [name_f]Air[/name_f]-een-ee)
Chione/Khione (Kuh-hone-ee)
[name_f]Ismene[/name_f] (Is-mee-nee)
[name_f]Antigone[/name_f] (An-tig-on-ee)
Sorry for any repeats, but I’m just going to list all the names I can think of - some of them aren’t entirely mythological, but may be a place, a real person, or a concept important in Greek mythology;