What are your Guilty Pleasure Names?

I’m sure this post has been done before… oh well! :wink:

What girls names do you absolutely positively love… but aren’t sure you could actually use? Names that make you drool in awe, but might get you an odd look or two from friends or family (besides the fact that you’re drooling)? Or perhaps a name you absolutely adore, but might not mesh with your background?

For example, some of mine would include:
Tzipporah / [name]Zipporah[/name]

Usually, my guilty pleasure names are a whole lotta name, or names that don’t exactly fit my cultural background (ex: [name]Svetlana[/name]), but I adore them nonetheless.

I’d love to hear what yours are!

I love [name]Primrose[/name]…but I just heard it on that darn Hunger Games movie and now I could never use it :frowning:

[name]Andromeda[/name], [name]Phoenix[/name], [name]Sparrow[/name], [name]Persephone[/name], [name]Artemis[/name], [name]Athena[/name], [name]Hyacinth[/name],

Guilty pleasure? [name]Lavinia[/name]. I’d like to name my next cat [name]Lavinia[/name], since I couldn’t use it on a child.

[name]Posey[/name] - I absolutely adore this name but it sounds awful in the other languages I speak (which continuously breaks my heart).

These are mine.


[name]Artemis[/name], [name]Athena[/name], [name]Selene[/name], [name]Vionnet[/name], [name]Hermione[/name], [name]Lavender[/name], [name]Bellatrix[/name]…the list is endless!

[name]India[/name] (fairly wearable, but more bold than my usual style)
[name]Jessamine[/name] (fairly wearable but I’m a [name]Jessica[/name] so I don’t think it works)

I’m sure there are more, these came first to mine.

[name]Marigold[/name]…though I might use it!
[name]Dolly[/name]…though I would use a longer name to get to nn [name]Dolly[/name].
so many R names that don’t work with my last name!

@[name]Ottilie[/name] Any of those (except maybe the last) would make an excellent middle name! If you don’t want to use them in the first name position, you could consider them as a middle name for the little one. Or do two middle names, and use the second mn position for a guilty pleasure name.

[name]Oceana[/name]. So pretty but it sounds like the name of a mermaid princess from a fantasy novel. Also, [name]Sunshine[/name]. [name]Way[/name] too hippy dippy but it does sound very happy and cheerful.

@starcatcher668 [name]Selene[/name] is totally wearable! I can see [name]Hermione[/name] and [name]Bellatrix[/name] being guilty pleasure, unusable names, but my name is [name]Selene[/name], and one of my closest friends is [name]Athena[/name].

[name]Hedwig[/name] (to get to [name]Hedi[/name])
[name]Lou[/name] (on a girl, not any longer version)
La [name]Verne[/name]

[name]Ireland[/name] - Though I consider using it all the time!
[name]Siena[/name] - I could probably get by with this one too

@ selenea: Thanks! I hope I can pull it off… and get my boyfriend to agree!!

@selenea - I consider [name]Selene[/name] a guilty pleasure because of the [name]Selena[/name] Gomez connection…

You know, I’d actually never heard of [name]Selena[/name] Gomez before about a week ago. Maybe I’m the wrong age group.

When I was about 8 I went through a phase were I was obsessed with [name]Alexandrina[/name]. I was even asking my mom if I could change my name from [name]Alexandra[/name] to [name]Alexandrina[/name]. But my cousins made fun of me so much that I named the doll I got for [name]Christmas[/name] [name]Alexandrina[/name] instead. (Also I’m not sure it would be an acceptable choice for me since my name still is [name]Alexandra[/name]).

I however think with an x instead of the ks it’s more approachable to a US audience. I’m not a fan of [name]Alexandria[/name] - probably because I live in DC and [name]Alexandria[/name] is right next door and people keep calling me that anyway even while they are reading my drivers license. (It’s like they can’t see the difference.)

You see, I live in the City of [name]Victoria[/name], so I’ve simply come to terms that most cities are named after people. I have to admit, I like the name [name]Victoria[/name] slightly less because the City is so awful (ugliest place I have ever lived. Can’t wait to move.), but I still love the name.

Loving [name]Ariana[/name]