What are your thoughts on Valencia?

We’re unsure if we’re going to have a third or not at this stage, but, as I’m sure many of you can relate, I can’t help but ponder baby names for if it does happen!
[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] is a name I just [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] to say, I just think it sounds so beautiful! And the meaning is pretty cool and gives it strength next to her sister [name_f]Athena[/name_f]. However it doesn’t really have any personal meaning to us, we’ve never been to [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] (although we would definitely like to one day!) and we aren’t in any way Spanish (I’m English and hubby is a [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealander).

So what are your thoughts on the name? What imagery/sort of girl do you picture?
Does the love of the sound of it trump the rest?
And do you think it would be as well received in the real world as [name_f]Athena[/name_f]'s name has been?

I’m not hugely fond of [name_u]Val[/name_u], but really like [name_f]Valley[/name_f] or Lencie (len-see) as nicknames, do you think people would try to shorten it to [name_u]Val[/name_u]?

Sorry about all the questions!

It just makes me think of oranges. Sorry - I can’t picture it on a person.

Maybe you could use it in a middle spot?

I also [name_u]Love[/name_u] [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] and have for several years! To me it’s such a strong sounding name for a girl!
Reminds me of a character on a Stargate episode. I would strongly consider using it.

Sounds awesome. I imagine a romantic, smart, athletic girl.
I think [name_u]Val[/name_u] is avoidable so long as [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] herself doesn’t like it.

I like it. I have a similar problem with people trying to shorten my name and I just tell them I prefer to be called by my full name. People have never made a habit out of it.

I think it’s pretty.

I had [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] for a long time as a middle, particularly for the meaning, but now I love her even more. It’s a beautiful, strong name that’s unusual but not difficult to spell or pronounce. I really don’t think oranges are a bad association, and I think she goes perfectly with [name_f]Athena[/name_f] too.

I love [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] as a name so much! I’ve also lived there and love the city.

I imagine a beautiful, kind and a special girl.I think of the beautiful city, the beach and summer breeze.
I once met a girl named [name_f]Valencia[/name_f], she often goes by [name_f]Cia[/name_f]/[name_f]Sia[/name_f]

@sugarplum.fairy I understand that association, but to be fair there are also filters called [name_u]Sierra[/name_u] and [name_f]Willow[/name_f] as well as others, so I don’t really see it as a problem.

@crispy We live in [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand where barely anyone will have heard of the oranges, I certainly hadn’t until researching the name so that association doesn’t really bother me, if anything it just gives it a sweet orange aroma along with all the other nice connections.

@kibby Thank you so much for that! I haven’t heard of the character in Stargate, I’ll have to look it up!

@swordfish Thank you for that lovely imagery! And nice to hear [name_u]Val[/name_u] should be avoidable, of course if she grows up and decides she likes it that’s her choice!

@autumnreverie Thank you for the insight into what it’s like having a name that people try to shorten, wonderful to hear people respect your wishes!

@sablonde Thanks!

@myosotis Thank you so much, it’s so nice to hear other people love it too! And that she’d go well with [name_f]Athena[/name_f]! I agree that oranges aren’t a bad association at all

@aurorag Thanks so much! It’s wonderful to hear from someone who’s actually lived there as well as actually met one! [name_f]Cia[/name_f]/[name_f]Sia[/name_f] is also a lovely nickname!

Please keep the thoughts on [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] coming, I love reading all your comments!

I’m not immediately against it as a name, it ticks all the boxes, and it would be an interesting and unusual place name. I think [name_u]Val[/name_u] is completely avoidable, so I wouldn’t worry too much about that. My main hang up is pronunciation because, I think (and I may be wrong), in Spanish [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] would be pronounced Vah-[name_m]Len[/name_m]-Thee-[name_m]Ah[/name_m], which a th sound instead of a ‘ss’ sound, but I presume you are planning on pronuncing it [name_u]Val[/name_u]-[name_m]Len[/name_m]-See-A. It might not even be a problem, it’s just a thought that comes to mind when I see the name! [name_f]Athena[/name_f] is gorgeous by the way!

I really like [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] and especially next to [name_f]Athena[/name_f]- what a strong pair!! Ait does give a very Mediterranean feel but that’s not a bad thing, as long as you don’t mind theming a sibset that way. Lencie is oh-so-adorable too!

While its not my style at all. I do like the name. I didn’t think of oranges until someone said it. I will say it does feel a little Spanish to me, but if that doesn’t bother you it will be great

I [name_u]LOVE[/name_u] [name_f]Valencia[/name_f]. Like, a lot. It has awesome sound and meaning, strong yet absolutely romantic. It’ll definitely make it to my own top five if only I don’t already have [name_f]Valentina[/name_f] there.

[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] and [name_f]Athena[/name_f] sound wonderful together. I don’t think you haven’t been to [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] is a big deal. [name_u]Val[/name_u] is quite a natural nickname, but I guess you can get away by introducing her [name_f]Valley[/name_f] or Lencie and insist on it.

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One of my best friends is actually from [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] so I just can’t imagine as a name. That being said, it does have a lovely sound to it and would go well in theory with [name_f]Athena[/name_f].

It’s very romantic, I like it.

@lamantchenille I think the Spanish pronunciation would be Ba-[name_m]Len[/name_m]-Thee-[name_m]Ah[/name_m], and yes we would be pronouncing it Va-[name_m]Len[/name_m]-See-[name_m]Ah[/name_m] and living in [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand I would imagine most people would pronounce it that way too. Although I think the Spanish pronunciation is pretty too so if we got some people saying it that way it wouldn’t bother me.
And thank you :smiley:

@fantasyandprayer Thank you :slight_smile: I agree, I love [name_f]Athena[/name_f] and [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] together! It’s one of the few names I feel matches [name_f]Athena[/name_f] in beauty and strength.

@nettie1221 I agree that it feels Spanish, which doesn’t particularly bother us, but does it sound weird on a person who isn’t Spanish?

@luneth Thank you so much for your lovely comment! It’s so nice to hear how much other people love the name too! And how well it goes with [name_f]Athena[/name_f] :smiley:

@kth96 I can understand that!! But thank you :slight_smile:

@eoxima That’s so nice to hear, thank you!

Thank you all for your comments and opinions! Please keep them coming!

I think [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] goes marvelously well with [name_f]Athena[/name_f]! Honestly it’s hard to find a name that measures up to [name_f]Athena[/name_f] (which is one of my all time favorites), and I think [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] does just that. It’s a beautiful name that I think is actually very wearable, pronounceable, and familiar, while being unique and breathtaking at the same time. Great choice!

I do think you have some well-placed hesitancy regarding the fact that she would be very white, and therefore I would suggest perhaps asking some Spanish people what they think of meeting a white girl with the name. I would admittedly be a bit surprised to meet a very white looking [name_f]Valencia[/name_f], but of course I’d get over it quickly and adore the name regardless. Still, I think it’s worth asking around just in case!

[name_f]Valencia[/name_f] reminds me of a character from the show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (I recommend it, it’s brilliant and nothing at all like you’d expect it to be), so that’s who I imagine when I hear the name, but I think it’s actually pretty versatile. I think it has a gorgeous sound that rivals most other names.

Would you expect people to call her val-len-cha or vah-len-cee-ah?

@silversky Thanks so much! It is so difficult trying to find a name that matches [name_f]Athena[/name_f] for beauty and strength, it’s so wonderful to hear from a fellow [name_f]Athena[/name_f]-lover that [name_f]Valencia[/name_f] does that :slight_smile: That’s a really good idea about asking some Spanish people about what they’d think of meeting a white girl called [name_f]Valencia[/name_f]. And I’ll have to check out that show!

@care I pronounce it vah-len-see-ah so would expect others to call her that too (although I realise that it’s pronounced a bit differently in Spanish so obviously wouldn’t mind Spanish speakers using their pronunciation)

As someone who lives in [name_m]New[/name_m] Zealand I can say this name would be butchered so often. [name_m]Even[/name_m] the pronunciation you’d use. I would go [name_f]Valerie[/name_f] or [name_f]Vera[/name_f]. Both names bridge the gap between the whimsical [name_f]Athena[/name_f] and the classic [name_u]Toby[/name_u].