What do you think about the name Horace?

Thoughts on [name_m]Horace[/name_m]?

It sounds kind of harsh but I think it could grow on me. I like [name_m]Horatio[/name_m] and Morris/Maurice!

Great name!

reminds me of “horse”

It reminds me of HP, horses and being hoarse though I do like the meaning

I’m not a fan at all I’m afraid, as I just find it very dated. It’s just not my style.


To me it seems too easily teasible - the first syllable sounds close to a certain insult beginning with W, and the second syllable sounds like a word for someone’s bottom. I wouldn’t want to be called [name_m]Horace[/name_m], personally.

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It sounds entirely too much like a misogynistic insult that starts with a W and rhymes with “boorish”. Definitely unusable, imo.


I think it’s cute, but I prefer [name_m]Horatio[/name_m]. Sounds more dashing.

I don’t mind it, I think it’s kind of fun

I want to like it, but to me it still feels very dated unfortunately

I think it’s handsome and stately, but it does feel very old fashioned.

i would honestly love to meet a little horace! it has sort of always been a gp for me, since i read books to a little boy i babysat with thief brothers named horace and oscar!