I am expecting a third baby. My two sons are [name]Owen[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] and [name]Rhys[/name] [name]Patrick[/name]. For a girl I am down to [name]Lily[/name], [name]Isla[/name], [name]Esme[/name]. For a boy I am liking [name]Kai[/name], [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Tate[/name], or [name]Cade[/name]. I really like [name]Cade[/name], but what does everyone think of this? Is it too close to the megapopular [name]Aiden[/name] type names i.e [name]Caden[/name]? Also does it flow ok with [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Rhys[/name]? I have seen it reported to be a Welsh name but that is not that important to me. I like [name]Kai[/name] very much too but for some reason it feels imcomplete to me.
Middle name will probably be family again, either [name]August[/name], [name]Augustus[/name], or [name]Andrew[/name]? [name]Baby[/name] is due in [name]August[/name] and that is a family name so I am leaning towards that or [name]Augustus[/name].
I don’t know much about [name]Cade[/name], but I’d like to offer that I knew a girl named Kaimele (nn [name]Kai[/name]) and apparently that’s Hawaiian for “Song of the sea”. It might have been [name]Kai[/name] [name]Mele[/name].
I’d also like to express my support for a middle name of [name]Augustus[/name] if he’s born in [name]August[/name] and that’s a family name. I love that idea.
I’ve already told you how much I love [name]Cade[/name], and honestly the connection with uberpopular [name]Caden[/name] never occurred to me.
Regarding [name]Kai[/name] feeling incomplete, there’s a thread called “Names Containing [name]Kai[/name]” that you should check out, if you want something longer. Otherwise go with [name]Augustus[/name] [name]Kai[/name] and just call him [name]Kai[/name].
I really like [name]Cade[/name]. I think it fits perfectly. I do, however, know a [name]Caden[/name] who goes by [name]Cade[/name] sometimes, so the connection did occur to me.
I still think that [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Augustus[/name] is gorgeous! [name]Cade[/name] is too close to trendy [name]Caden[/name] and also to the word “cad” which is not a good association.
[name]Love[/name] [name]Cade[/name], I think it is a handsome name. It is not tryndy like [name]Caden[/name] which sounds quite babyish in comparison with the manly [name]Cade[/name].
If you want a longer [name]Cade[/name] name then [name]Cadell[/name] is an alternative.
I agree with rollo, [name]Cade[/name] sounds masculine while [name]Caden[/name] doesn’t. And yes I do think it sounds too trendy like the other-den names. With [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Rhys[/name], I like [name]Quinn[/name] the best followed by [name]Tate[/name] and [name]Cade[/name]. I don’t really like [name]Kai[/name] though. Your choices do remind me of the name [name]Kane[/name], which I think sounds very handsome in the sibset.
If it wasn’t for the ‘rhymes w/ [name]Aiden[/name]’ craze, I’d love [name]Cade[/name]. As it is, I think [name]Caden[/name] has ruined it for me. I actually know a mom w/ a son named [name]Cade[/name]. I know she is sick to death of answering “No, not [name]Caden[/name], just [name]Cade[/name]!”
I think you should for sure go w/ [name]August[/name] or [name]Augustus[/name]
From your list, I love [name]Quinn[/name] [name]Augustus[/name] or [name]Tate[/name] [name]August[/name]. [name]Both[/name] [name]Quinn[/name] and [name]Tate[/name] sound good w/ [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Rhys[/name].
I feel that I have to reply to this thread. I work at a school of 800 K-5 students in [name]Florida[/name]. I have a job where I come in contact with all the kids on campus. I know that there at least two Cades in each grade. The kiddos that are named [name]Caydin[/name] or [name]Caden[/name] all go by the nickname [name]Cade[/name]. It is THE boy name at my school. I really see this as the next big thing. I know that doesn’t bother most people but I wanted to put in my two cents.
Thanks so much for the feedback. I ONLY like [name]Cade[/name], not [name]Caden[/name], but I do forsee some of the issues since it can be a nickname for [name]Caden[/name]. I really like [name]Tate[/name], [name]Quinn[/name], [name]Cade[/name], [name]Kai[/name], and [name]Kane[/name] could even work too. Does [name]Quinn[/name] sound masculine enough or has it gone to the girls? Also is [name]Quinn[/name] too close to [name]Owen[/name]? Also my last name does start with a [name]Ca[/name] sound but I sort of like the alliteration with [name]Cade[/name]. I want the name to be short, strong, and have the same cool vibe that I think [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Rhys[/name] do. Any other suggestions???
I really like [name]Quinn[/name] or [name]Tate[/name] with your other boys’ names.
For a girl’s name I like [name]Lily[/name] or [name]Esme[/name] with your boys’ names.
Ooo I like [name]Kai[/name] [name]Alexander[/name]!
[name]Quinn[/name] does have a slightly unisex feel to me. Hadn’t thought of all the little Cadens and Kaydens etc etc growing up to become [name]Cade[/name].
I personally think [name]Cade[/name] and [name]Caden[/name] are totally different names with different styles but I don’t want to get lumped into the uber popular aidens. [name]Alexander[/name] is just a name I love as a middle and I feel like [name]Kai[/name] needs something longer to help give it more substance. Anyway I am REALLY hoping this baby is my girl so maybe this is all for not but we will see! For a girl my husband is still stuck on [name]Lily[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] - which we agreed to years ago but I am thinking [name]Lily[/name] is sooo popular that I am worried thus [name]Esme[/name] and [name]Isla[/name] are contenders too.
[name]Wade[/name] is a great name, very underused and may be a great way to have a similar sound without being [name]Cade[/name] W. [name]Cade[/name] J. as the Jessicas and Jennifers of a decade ago had to put up with?
[name]Even[/name] though I like [name]Kai[/name] I think it may become over popular and it is rather trendy sounding and it looks like you want a short, masculine name that transcends popularity.
[name]Grant[/name] would fit that mould as would [name]Miles[/name].
PS [name]Quinn[/name] is okay but a bit soft and so if you want a Q name I think [name]Quentin[/name] has more punch.
I am really becomingmore fond of both [name]Cade[/name] and [name]Tate[/name]. I almost feel like I should go with a 4 letter name too as everyone else in our family has one. Are there some other 4 letter boy names I am missing? Somehow I am just not as crazy about [name]Liam[/name] or [name]Finn[/name], even though both would potentially “work” with [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Rhys[/name]. My Dad suggested [name]Shay[/name] but it sounds a little soft compared to [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Rhys[/name].
[name]Do[/name] you like [name]Abel[/name], [name]Ivor[/name], [name]Neil[/name], [name]Seth[/name], [name]Beau[/name], [name]Gray[/name] or [name]Troy[/name] as four letter options to go with [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Rhys[/name]?