What do you think of Layton....

What do you think [name]Layton[/name] for a baby boy.

Our last name is [name]Moore[/name], we also need middle name suggestion as well.

Sorry, but it sounds kind of made up to me- like a combo of [name]Peyton[/name] and [name]Landon[/name]. Would you consider [name]Landon[/name], [name]Lincoln[/name], or [name]Logan[/name]? Good luck!

Is it a surname that has personal meaning to you or is it the sound of the name [name]Layton[/name] that you like? If it is a surname with personal meaning, then I say go for it. It sounds a little trendy, but isn’t that far off from [name]Clayton[/name], which makes it likeable/usable. If it doesn’t have personal meaning, then I say no. I am not a fan of the surnames as first names trend.

It doesnt really have a personal meaning. [name]Just[/name] trying for something not on the top 25 list like [name]Landon[/name] or [name]Logan[/name] ( which is already on our list. ) We cannot use [name]Clayton[/name] for personal reasons and I just liked the sound of [name]Layton[/name]. It seemed to have a southern ring to it which would go with our other children.

[name]Leighton[/name] ( I pronounce it [name]Lay[/name]-ton) is actually one of my favorite names for a girl. I don’t mind [name]Layton[/name] for a boy.

If you’re looking for something with a southern ring to it for a boy, these come to mind:

[name]Jack[/name] [name]Layton[/name] was a very prominent Canadian politician who passed away from cancer a couple years ago. Under him, the NDP became the Official Opposition party for the first time, not long before his tragic death. He was quite respected even by those who didn’t agree with his policies; there was a huge outpouring of grief when he died. That’s my first association with the name and the one most Canadians will have. He’s probably comparable to [name]Mitt[/name] [name]Romney[/name] in the USA, or was a couple years ago when he was on the political front lines.

Sound-wise, it doesn’t really appeal to me, but it’s not terrible either.