What do you think of my character names?

In a story I wrote and a currently revising, I have four main characters and four major-but-not-main characters. I gave them all first and last names. Please let me know what you think of them, and if you have any middle name suggestions, I’d appreciate that. Thanks!

Main four:
[name_u]Cerulean[/name_u] [name_u]Maxwell[/name_u]: 15 years old, male, straight (will be in a relationship with Aeryn)
[name_f]Aeryn[/name_f] Villis: 14 years old, female, straight (will be in a relationship with Cerulean), has little sister (Idryssa)
[name_m]Kael[/name_m] Butterskot: 15 years old, male, gay (will be in a relationship with Eno)
[name_m]Eno[/name_m] [name_m]Cort[/name_m]: 15 years old, male, bisexual (will be in a relationship with Kael)

(also, I know that it’s a little unrealistic for all four of the members of the group to find a relationship with someone else in the group, but just trust me that it works in this story)

Major-but-not-main four:
Idryssa Villis: 7 years old, female, straight, has older sister (Aeryn)
Jemica “Jem” [name_m]Weber[/name_m]: 37 years old, female, bisexual (has two children from the same man but is not in a relationship with him)
Theadosia “Thea” [name_m]Weber[/name_m]: 13 years old, female, lesbian
[name_m]Fenn[/name_m] [name_m]Weber[/name_m]: 7 years old, female, straight

Thank you all in advance for any input!

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I love all of those, they fit really well together and they’re all just so cool!! When reading Jemica, I couldn’t help but think of [name_f]Jamaica[/name_f], but that’s the only issue I had. I absolutely love [name_f]Aeryn[/name_f] and [name_m]Eno[/name_m]. You’ve done a fantastic job naming your characters!

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Thank you so much! I really appreciate the feedback.

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amazing! they are all so unique and fit so well with the characters!

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I love everything you’ve chosen here! They sound great!! I do agree with @RadiantSquid about Jemica / [name_f]Jamaica[/name_f]. Here are some middle name suggestions that seem like they could fit in your book:

[name_f]Doretta[/name_f] / [name_f]Loretta[/name_f]
[name_f]Lavina[/name_f] / Lavine
[name_f]Niamh[/name_f] (pronounced as NEEV)
[name_m]Keyan[/name_m] (like [name_m]Ian[/name_m], with a K)
[name_u]Reeve[/name_u] / [name_m]Reeves[/name_m]

Ik that’s a lot, I hope some of them work. good luck on your book <3.

I feel like these are bold choices. Are all of the characters human?

Thank you so much for all the suggestions! I really appreciate the help. :grinning:

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Yes, they are, but it takes place pretty far in the future, so the names are supposed to seem unusual right now… do you think they’d work in that setting?

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