I think that is a very pretty, very underused name with a really nice meaning - “star”. I’m thinking of using it as a full name for [name]Elle[/name]. Opinions, please!
I love [name]Estelle[/name]!! It is beautiful and I would love to meet a little [name]Estelle[/name]. I don’t really love [name]Elle[/name]. It is more popular and not as unique. I would love to meet a little [name]Estelle[/name] that was called [name]Estelle[/name].
[name]Love[/name] [name]Estelle[/name]! I have it down to use as a middle name someday with the name [name]Delilah[/name]. [name]Delilah[/name] [name]Estelle[/name]. I also like [name]Estella[/name]. They’re all underrated, I think. Except [name]Stella[/name]; I think that is getting the recognition it deserves.
I love [name]Estelle[/name]! I also love [name]Celeste[/name] - another “star” name.
I love [name]Estelle[/name]! I’m surprised that the nameberry page is rather negative about the name. It seems like a softer alternative to [name]Stella[/name]. I would skip [name]Elle[/name] as a nickname though.
I like it but I prefer [name]Stella[/name] myself.
So pretty and many lovely nn options, my favorite being [name]Essie[/name]. I think with [name]Stella[/name] getting some more use, [name]Estelle[/name] could catch on too.
I love it. I’m currently loving all that soft vintage ‘beginning with E-’ names at the moment: [name]Estelle[/name], [name]Ethel[/name], [name]Esther[/name].
I like it! The meaning “star” is very sweet and I like the subdued yet striking, pretty appeal of [name]Estelle[/name]. I much prefer it to [name]Stella[/name], actually. [name]Elle[/name] is a really sweet nn for it, too.
My friend’s little girl is [name]Esther[/name], and until I met her I was unsure. Now I love it and think it’s really cute for a little girl - grows well too. Same goes for [name]Estelle[/name] and [name]Estella[/name], imo.
So much love for [name]Estelle[/name]. I feel like it strikes a really beautiful balance between [name]Esther[/name] and [name]Stella[/name], and I actually prefer it to both of those names. Unfortunately my husband doesn’t agree. I think it would be awesome to meet a little [name]Estelle[/name]!
I agree. It is a very pretty and underused name. I think it would be refreshing to meet a baby [name]Estelle[/name].
[name]Estelle[/name] is very pretty! But I feel like people would understand [name]Stella[/name] better, not that that has to matter. I have always adored the name [name]Celeste[/name].
[name]Estelle[/name] is a pretty name, though not my style. It’s the name of our brand new Swedish princess:)
Elegant and sweet,
This is how I feel about it, too. Thanks!
Pretty name, I also like [name]Estee[/name].
I [name]LOVE[/name] that there is a Swedish baby princess named [name]Estelle[/name]! I did not know about that! This makes the name even better to me since I have Swedish heritage from my dad’s side. I have French heritage from my mom’s side and it is a French name, so it sort of honors both.
Aw, those are good reasons to use it then.
Crazy! Did you see the blog today, predicting [name]Estelle[/name] to be a hot name for 2012? I just hope it doesn’t get TOO hot! I think we’re pretty much decided on [name]Estelle[/name] for this baby, but I’d hate to see her be one of 3 in her class!