What gender do you associate with Jem?

BOY! definitely.

I think of a girl. It reminds me of [name]Jemima[/name] and [name]Gemma[/name].

[name]Jem[/name] is a male name to me because of To Kill A Mockingbird. Although, [name]Jem[/name] could be a nickname for [name]Jemima[/name].

To me, [name]Gem[/name] (nn. for [name]Gemma[/name]) is female, but it sounds the same as [name]Jem[/name].

[name]Jem[/name] is definitely a masculine name. It’s a short form of [name]Jeremiah[/name]. I can’t see it as a stand alone name. I would use [name]James[/name] at least.

[name]Jem[/name] is me and my husband’s first choice for our upcoming boy baby! I’m thrilled to see someone else thinking about this name for a boy! I shared your same concerns about [name]Jem[/name] and the Holograms and the female name [name]Jemma[/name]. The bottom line for us was that we loved the name, and we wanted [name]Jem[/name] on the birth certificate, not a longer name that we didn’t like as much. Also, as someone who goes by her nickname exclusively, I found it very annoying to have to be called by my full name in Dr’s offices and school settings. But, if you really like [name]Benjamin[/name]–your problem may be solved.

[name]Jem[/name] is a male pet name for [name]James[/name]. I can’t imagine putting it on the birth certificate. It’s sweet name for a parent to call his/her son or a wife her husband. It feels way too familiar for strangers to use.

[name]Jem[/name], to me, is a pet name for either gender. On a boy, for [name]James[/name] or [name]Jeremy[/name]; on a girl, for [name]Jemma[/name] or [name]Jemima[/name]. I know It’s slightly more instinctive for the girls’ names than the boys’, though I wouldn’t be surprised by it being used on a boy at all as it’s got literary usage. It’s one of those nicknames that I genuinely wouldn’t associate more with one gender or the other, as I’ve heard it used on both a [name]Jemma[/name] (frequently) and a [name]Jeremy[/name] (occasionally).

I say male because of TKAM, but if you’d asked me before I read it, I’d probably say female. I don’t think it works well as a full first name though–much too nicknamey!