I picture something different depending on the names, but most can be lumped together to fit a general idea.
[name]Lachlan[/name] [name]Alexander[/name], [name]Theron[/name] [name]Xavier[/name], [name]Cadmus[/name] [name]Walter[/name] - These are my quiet boys, they love sitting in the window seat surrounded by pillows reading books with mom or by themselves. They are sweet, conscientious, and always gentlemanly. They will excel in school, but be more introverted than outgoing, preferring the company of a few close friends over big crowds. They wake up smiling, and end their days the same way, and can always be relied on to cheer up any ones spirits with a hug or a cute anecdote of their own. They are the kind of boys you would trust sending your daughters out with on a date, and they would be home by 1030. They buy flowers because they want to, and are always chivalrous. They have a way of making everyone feel important and special. However, being highly intelligent, they can also defend themselves with words, able to tear down anyone that tries to harm them, or their friends. Always loyal, always kind.
[name]Evander[/name] ‘[name]Anders[/name]’ [name]Alcott[/name], [name]Thatcher[/name] [name]William[/name], [name]Dresden[/name] [name]Alasdair[/name] - These are the boys my Fiance would love to have. Rough and tumble, boys boys. They are athletic and skilled jack of all trades. They do well in school, and even better in any sport. They love being outdoors running through forests and fields, any way to get exercise is a good way to them. They might be engaged in a bit of the jock mentality as teenagers, a bit more interested in the ladies than high school, but grow out of it in time to still do something with their lives academically. They are loyal to their friends, but can set harsh lines towards others. They may run in cliques, but always go out of their way to ensure no one is left out or bullied. They are ultra popular, always surrounded by a crowd, which is great for when they decide to drop the soccer/football/whatever they are carrying and start an impromptu game. They are always team captain, and always looking to win. They have a lot of that masculine bravado, which gets them into trouble more often than it’s worth.
[name]Natalie[/name] [name]Winter[/name], [name]Odessa[/name] [name]Faye[/name], [name]Virginia[/name] ‘[name]Ginny[/name]’ [name]Joy[/name], [name]Cordelia[/name] - These are my spunky princesses. Girls with attitude! They are who they are and they speak their mind. In whatever they want to do, they won’t take no for an answer. They might be considered tom-boys, but they can be ladies at the same time. They are the girls that run with the boys while wearing a dress, and will still help mama cook dinner at the end of the day. They won’t stand for any injustice and wish the world was completely fair to everyone. They have friends of all sorts, ones for every occasion, friends that love sports and friends that love to shop, no matter what they are doing, they have someone that will join them without hesitation and they are never alone unless they want to be. They do well in school, but don’t care much for sitting in desks all day. Often they stare out the window waiting for the bell to ring and for freedom to reign. They are daddies girls in every aspect and yearn for him to be home from work everyday so they can share with him the days adventures.
[name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Pearl[/name], [name]Hermione[/name] [name]Jane[/name] - These are my studious girls. They love school and live for it. They are involved with every single club and activity they can be, from Student [name]Council[/name] to [name]Chess[/name] club. They strive to be the best in everything they do and definitely put in the effort to deserve it. They take after their father in this regard, and work hard, long hours to achieve whatever they set their minds to. They can always be found in the library, working late hours to get the latest assignment finished, it’s hard to convince them to take time for themselves and enjoy life because they are so determined and have one track minds in that way. They have several friends from the various clubs, but one best friend, and together they have planned out their lives. They will go to the same college, they will be room mates and they will get jobs in the big city and be the boss. What that job is yet, they don’t know and they will spend their high school years discussing it together and deciding on the right one at the last minute. Acceptance into college will be the highlight of their life, and they will learn to let loose a little while still studying hard.
[name]Corisande[/name] [name]Fable[/name], [name]Lavender[/name] [name]Ellen[/name], [name]Autumn[/name] - These girls are very similar to my quiet boys. They will sit curled up with a book for hours on end, reading as the world passes them by without blinking an eye. They lose themselves in stories about anything and everything, from Witches to Old [name]England[/name], they love the stories weaved by their favorite authors, and aspire to be just like them. Their pockets are filled with scraps of paper with new story ideas scribbled on them throughout the day. They have stacks of notebooks with snippets and ideas scattered through them. As much as you think they would, they dislike school, they do well enough, and would do great if they focused, they are lost in their dream worlds thinking up new characters and naming them! They are girls after their mamas heart. They long to write and no matter what have paper and a pen with them. As children they would sit by the book shelf and pull off every book, flipping through each, telling themselves the story even before they could read. They are always sweet, and quite, often dressed like ladies and would dare put a wrinkle in their dress or let a hair fall out of place. They are prim, and proper, and aspire to be perfect little women. I picture them with bows in their long hair, a smile on their face (if the book is going well!) and always joyful and ready to help whoever needs it.