What is a good name for this kind of person? 2

What are good male and female names for someone who is nice, caring, friendly, optimistic, creative, laid-back, practical, down to earth, sensible, resourceful, selfless, levelheaded, playful, confident, brave, strong, fun-loving, humorous, witty and wise. it also has a passive nature when solving problems and usually serves as the voice of reason to their friends and sometimes gives out good advice when someone needs it, they also have a big imagination and is a master of play like dressing up to pretend to be someone else or likes to create a scenario from its imagination and acts within as a form of play.

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I would describe myself as that (not to be stuck-up :sweat_smile:) and my name is [name_u]Emerson[/name_u]!

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[name_u]William[/name_u] (for both a boy and a girl)