Naming our 3rd son Carrick [name]Christian[/name], due any day now. Its an Irish name meaning rock (husband’s a mason) I have seen this pronounced 2 ways, Cah-ric, or Care-ric and it also has many variations in spelling. We will be using Cah-ric as the pronunciation. [name]How[/name] should we spell it?
The original old Irish way: Carrick?
Or something that helps to make sure its pronounced correctly: Caric, Carick, or Carric?
Thats really interesting, as a fluent Irish speaker, I love this name very much.
It has evolved since then, just thought it might be interesting for you to know that the most common current spelling is “Carraig” and the pronounciation is “caw-rig”.
Carrick is beautiful, very underused and unusual.
I would use the Carick spelling, as it emphasises the “Cah-rick” pronounciation.
Best of luck to you over the next few days x
Thanks for the feed back. I love strong Irish names like [name]Cormac[/name], or [name]Corbin[/name], but never loved one quite enough to use it until I came across Carrick. [name]Both[/name] my husband and I are from Irish families. I like the one you suggested as well, but I love the strong C sound at the end, so we’ll stick with that version. I am leaning in the direction of the spelling you like. =) I also like Caric though… hmmmm
I think I like Carrick best. With only one R, I want to say CARE-ick vs. Cah-rick. It’s a lovely name, I have never heard it! I also like [name]Cormac[/name] so I see the draw to this name.