What is the coolest name(s) you've EVER heard?

I’m interested to hear what is the absolute coolest name, by every definition of the word, you’ve ever heard – boy OR girl!

[name_m]Rogue[/name_m] - I think [name_m]Rogue[/name_m] is really, really cool. I think director [name_m]Robert[/name_m] [name_m]Rodriguez[/name_m] named one of his kids [name_m]Rogue[/name_m]. I could never use it, but it’s definitely one of my favorite celebrity baby names.


All these names are GP names, but sound extremely cool!

In real life, I’m still intrigued by siblings [name_u]Neo[/name_u] and [name_m]Obi[/name_m]. Can’t wait to find out what their little sister is called…

It’ll sound tame for Nameberry, but I’ve never stopped thinking that [name_m]Phineas[/name_m] is the coolest name ever.

[name_m]Laszlo[/name_m], for me.

Fun repeated “l” sound, zippy “z”, and “o” ending. Doesn’t get much cooler.

[name_u]River[/name_u] (one of the few names that I like for a boy or girl)

Solace, [name_f]Temperance[/name_f], [name_f]Verity[/name_f] (siblings)
[name_m]Knight[/name_m], [name_m]Valor[/name_m], Vanuelle (siblings)

8 years working in the hospital you see some awesome names but these are my favorite

I once met (on the phone, through work) a man named [name_f]Sabia[/name_f]. pronounced Sa-Bye-[name_m]Ah[/name_m]. [name_u]Love[/name_u] it. Never met another once since, or heard it anywhere.

I knew a girl named [name_m]Canaan[/name_m] growing up, love that too.

[name_f]My[/name_f] friend and his brother are Copern!cus and [name_m]Arch[/name_m]!medes. They used to go by [name_m]Archie[/name_m] and [name_u]Nick[/name_u], but now they’ve decided they like the unusual, long versions (or at least, [name_u]Nick[/name_u] has. He says people always remember his name and then go out of their way to find excuses to say it.)

A girl I met once: her name was [name_u]Domino[/name_u] McBean.

I agree, your friends have great offbeat names. After reading this, I remembered I used to have a sweetheart named Platon when I was younger. I don’t remember what he was like but the name is beyond cool.
Having said that, I am lukewarm about [name_m]Ptolemy[/name_m] and [name_m]Aristotle[/name_m], but I have a soft spot for Pythogoras. Maybe because his theorem was the easiest to remember?

I think our top choice for a boy is pretty awesome: [name_u]Jericho[/name_u] [name_m]Xavier[/name_m]. :wink:

[name_f]My[/name_f] friends son is [name_m]Jax[/name_m] [name_m]Abraham[/name_m] which I’ve always thought was pretty cool.

I think [name_f]Nova[/name_f] for a girl and [name_u]Zion[/name_u] or [name_m]Xavier[/name_m] for a boy are so cool! I think Z abd X names sound really cool and edgy.

At my father’s high school reunion when I was about twelve, he met up with an old girlfriend of his, who had a son a couple years older than me. This absolutely gorgeous kid with blonde curls and the coolest name of all time–Hawkins. I instantly developed a huge crush on him, and a much longer-lasting name crush.

I also think [name_m]Xavier[/name_m], [name_m]Gideon[/name_m], and [name_f]Lenore[/name_f] are pretty badass.

Rebel “Reb”, a family name for a farrier and his son
Case, my old boss named his last son this
Cooper “Coop”, it’s my son’s name, enough said

Remy (male comic book character)
Rogue (female comic book character)
Hawkeye (tv show Airwolf)
Wolf (friend’s little brother)
Jade (for a girl)

Lyric - for a girl or boy

Aredhel (prn Aravel, after some LOTR character, which I thought was adorably eccentric)

[name_f]My[/name_f] sister went to school with a [name_f]Persephone[/name_f]. They called her Sephy for short. Also I have a great aunt named Roeina and her sister is [name_f]Ophelia[/name_f].