So I dug up this old thread because it turns out I am having a girl, and we are naming her [name]Veronica[/name]! I’m so excited, but STILL struggling with the middle name…I’ve tried so many combos, and I’m extremely picky with names to begin with.
Our last name is [name]Miranda[/name], so it’s really hard to find a middle name that fits. It has to be one or two syllables, nothing ending in “A,” nothing beginning with “C or -ca” sound, nothing with “-anne” in it.
I really thought about all the previous suggestions after that round of posts, ruled out most of them, and these were my initial contenders:
I then narrowed it down to [name]Jade[/name] and [name]Selene[/name] and went back and forth with those for about a month. I decided [name]Jade[/name] “fit” but wasn’t really the style I wanted, possibly too common, even filler? So then for a few weeks I thought [name]Selene[/name] was it.
I love the meaning–goddess of the moon—and it sounded just beautiful and classy, the style I wanted. But then I realized I initially liked [name]Selene[/name] because I [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Selena[/name]. If I ever have another daughter, maybe I want to use it as a first name? So that kind of put me off of [name]Selene[/name]…
I also [name]LOVE[/name] the name [name]Raquel[/name]. My husband doesn’t like it as a first name, so I would probably use it as a middle name. I wish it fit for [name]Veronica[/name]. I think it fits with [name]Selena[/name], though.
Now we have a new contender, [name]Belle[/name], after my sister-in-law ([name]Maybelle[/name]). Again, it fits, this time it has great meaning, but doesn’t really do it for me in a way that says, “that’s the one!” But it’s probably going to end up being the one if I don’t find another one that speaks to me, because I’m so stuck!
I am due in mid-[name]March[/name], still have plenty of time, but I’ve been stuck like this since Thanksgiving.
Any words of wisdom? Can anyone see why I like the names I do, and offer any different suggestions than the ones already posted?