What to expect when your expecting

Did anyone else see the movie? My BF brought me on a date to see it, and we had such a wonderful time!! Brought up a lot of things for us to talk about, and it was nice hearing his point of view on a lot of things. He even mentioned how the young couple made him think a little of us <3 We had such a great night, and I really enjoyed the movie! Me and my BF even talked a little about adoption, which he is now pretty interested in for some time in the future. Not set in stone, but ideas! :slight_smile: And he was saying to me how he’d love to have a baby now, hehe! I’m thinking we wait lol

Has anyone else seen the movie yet? I know its still fairly new to theaters, it just came out in my theater like a few days ago if I’m not mistaken. I just had such a fun time watching and wanted to know what you ladies thought about it! <3

no, but just checked out the trailer and it looks abhorrent. Sorry, don’t mean to come off harsh, but that was the first thing I thought.

I was hoping it would be a good movie! It looks like one of those movies that could be really good or a good idea gone bad, haha. We don’t see movies in the theaters that often so we’ll probably wait until it comes out on DVD but I do want to see it!

I didn have high hopes for it but dragged DH this afternoon to the matinee… And it was hilarious! I was very surprised. I’m not the type to like romantic comedies etc but this movie was funny and relatable. DH was dreading seeing it, he HATES chick flicks and when we left he looked at me with a red face and said he will only say it once, but he really liked it too and actualy found it very funny. I laughed so hard and told him I promise to remember this and was sworn into secrecy. This is coming from a mans man who only likes Kung Fu and crude comedies.

This film also made me more comfortable about my baby shower plans lol

I have to say I didn’t expect to like it and it was hysterical! Sure, I didn’t like every single part of it, but it’s pretty funny!

I saw this movie with my partner the other night and really liked it, it was much better than I thought it would be! It was good that they showed quite a few different pregnancy scenarios but I would have loved to see a same sex couple. I love [name]Rebel[/name] [name]Wilson[/name] she is hilarious!