What will your child call you?

[name_m]Will[/name_m] it be the same thing you called your parents? [name_u]Or[/name_u] something different?

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I called my mom mom (mommy only before 4YO) and my step-dad who raised me by his first name.

[name_f]My[/name_f] kids call us mama and papa and we are set with that continuing. I like mama way better than mom or mommy personally.

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I called my parents “mom and dad” or “mommy and daddy” when I was young. Our kids call me Mommy or Mom and their dad “Papi”. They’ve never called him “dad” or “daddy”, but then I refer to him as “Papi” when talking to them about him.

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I called my parents the Greek equivalent of Mum and Dad (Mama and Baba). I think I’d prefer to be called mum by my own kids! Though I’m planning on adopting so depending on the situation some may call me by my first name (:

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i called my parents - mum & dad- sometimes “da”. i never really called them anything else!

i think when i have children i’ll go by mama when they’re young and then just ma or mom :relaxed:

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Same for me! Called mom mom but mommy when I was very little. [name_f]My[/name_f] mom always called her mom mama and I think that’s appealing to me more. Mommy doesn’t really appeal to me and mom feels like it’s already taken.

I call my parents Mama/Mommy & Daddy (yes, still). I tried to use Mom & Dad various times over the years, but it just never felt good to any of us. I don’t particularly like the idea of being called Mom either. I’d prefer Mommy and/or Mama.

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i call my parents mum and dad (mummy and daddy when i was younger). i’d prefer to be called mam when i have kids (welsh for mum), but i know from experience that kids call you what they want!

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I call my parents Mama and Daddy. They were thinking Mama and Papa, but then as a toddler I started calling my grandpas “Papa” :slightly_smiling_face:
[name_f]My[/name_f] boys call us Mommy and Daddy at the moment. [name_f]My[/name_f] husband didn’t feel like a Papa, and we’ve kind of gone back and forth between Mama and Mommy. I’m fine with either. We’ll see if we become Mom and Dad in future; our 20- month-old has already been saying “dad”


I imagine it will play out how it did when I was a kid: starting with mama/dada then mommy/daddy and settling on mom/dad. It seems pretty typical for American families and it is fine with me though I wouldn’t mind if my kids came up with their own words for us.

Currently, my son (still under 1.5 years) calls us mama/mom and dada. I absolutely love being mama and a part of me will be sad when that term fades away.


I call my mom a variety of names. Usually Mum, but also Mom. I’ve also thrown Mama and a couple of others in there occasionally (can’t think of them now).

For my kids, I would love to have Mum as a title, but will take whatever they grace me with.

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[name_f]My[/name_f] kids call me Mum or Mumma and my husband dad or da sometimes but nothing else really - I think that’s pretty much the norm but it is really up to every parent what they would prefer to be called :slight_smile:

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[name_f]My[/name_f] son will call me mama/mummy I hope. I call my mother mum, though she was mummy when I was a toddler. [name_m]Just[/name_m] the norm!

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I call my mom various things. Mommy, Mum, Mumsy, Mother, Ma. And i call my dad, Father and Daddy. Honestly i guess ill just use whatever seems right in the moment.


I called my mum Mommy or Mummy!

[name_f]My[/name_f] kids will probably call us Mama and Dada/Papa

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My mom is almost exclusively referred to as “Mom.” I would be fine with that, but I think I prefer Mama, at least when they are little!

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I called my parents Mum & Dad (SO is the same). I’d quite like to be Mama & Dada^ when they’re young, then I’m happy to be Mum & Dad as they get older.

^ I would prefer us to be Mama & Papa to our kids, but my SO called his grandparents [name_f]Nanny[/name_f] & Papa so I suspect we might get our children to use [name_f]Nanny[/name_f] & Papa for their grandparents on his side, and [name_u]Nana[/name_u] & [name_f]Poppa[/name_f] for mine (I’d prefer that than one being [name_u]Nana[/name_u] [name_u]Jean[/name_u], and the other [name_u]Nana[/name_u] [name_u]Julie[/name_u], for example).

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I call my parents mama and pop. [name_f]My[/name_f] SO and I already refer to each other as mummy and daddy when talking to our dog (as in “where’s daddy”, “stay with mummy”) so :sweat_smile: might have to work on that cause I’d probably prefer mama and papa.

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We use Mama and Papa. Which is different fro. What either of us used for our parents.

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[name_f]Lilia[/name_f] will call me mum I absolutely love when I’m referred to as mum/mummy it’s such an honour to have that title and I cannot wait till I hear my little [name_f]Lilia[/name_f] call me mum/mummy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I call my own parents mum & dad so I suppose my daughter will be doing the same calling me & [name_m]Joseph[/name_m] mum & dad.

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