SO this isn’t a “person name question”. But still would love some inspiration and suggestions just to get my brain going.
Think something like The [name_u]Free[/name_u] Masons or The Illuminati. But a women founded secret society started sometime in the United States around the founding of our country. Something that would have worked on women’s rights and other things in that vein. That is into puzzles and leaving clues similar to those conspiracy theories in the [name_m]Davinci[/name_m] Code or National [name_f]Treasure[/name_f].
Thanks for any thoughts. The only thing I have so far is maybe something like The Dickenson Society but that’s a reference based a little later than I want & it makes it sound more literary than anything else.
No one had heard of [name_f]Emily[/name_f] [name_m]Dickinson[/name_m] until she was “discovered” in the 1920s.
I’d go with The [name_f]Sappho[/name_f] Club or The Columbia(na) Club. [name_f]Phillis[/name_f] Wheatley created the symbol for the US as the goddess [name_f]Columbia[/name_f] around 1791, and during her brief lifetime our Founding Fathers were friends and admirers of the “Poetess from Boston.” The [name_f]Sappho[/name_f] Club, of course, in honor of the great poet Sappho’s work in ancient Greece, which would fit the end of the Englightment vibes you’re looking for.
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Ooh, thank you this is all great information! I knew [name_m]Dickinson[/name_m] wasn’t “discovered” until much later, which is why it wouldn’t fit. But, I was having a brain freeze about what to reference. This is perfect, at least I have a jumping off point now.
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The [name_u]Liberty[/name_u] Guild
The [name_f]Eve[/name_f] Collective
Pearls before Swine
Diamonds in the Rough
The [name_u]Venus[/name_u] House
The [name_f]Cleopatra[/name_f] Club
Oooh this is so cool! My suggestions are: The Sisterhood of Hypatia and The Queen of Spades Society.
I think it would be cool for the name of the society to be an ironic disguise (so as to stay undetected).
Lady Washington’s Darning and Quilting Association
Knit One, Purl One
The Prevention of Female Rights Guild
Seen But Not Heard
(insert name of a famous misogynist)’s Willful Wife Retraining Program
Thank you! Great suggestions!
Thanks! [name_u]Love[/name_u] these ideas.
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