whats your fave from the narrowed down short list? ( 2w2go)

Okay so some of you would know I have a son [name]Hugo[/name] - whose name I love and I think fits his personality and him as a little one and I also think its handsome name for a young man, older man etc…so here goes what your pick to work with [name]Hugo[/name] ( i know some don’t like names that complements but I do)

  1. [name]Julius[/name]
    2, [name]Sebastian[/name]
  2. [name]Raphael[/name]
    4 [name]Felix[/name]
    5 [name]Spencer[/name]

gone is [name]Oscar[/name] due to popularity, [name]Reuben[/name], [name]Gabriel[/name] and [name]Max[/name], [name]Edmund[/name] and [name]Augustus[/name]

middle names to be considered are anything off the short list or [name]Patrick[/name], [name]Jack[/name], [name]Francis[/name] , [name]Edmund[/name], [name]Issac[/name] or [name]Elias[/name]

girls pretty well set on [name]Ivy[/name] (mn options [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Estelle[/name] or [name]Sophia[/name])

surname starts with a M ( 2 syllable)

I probably won’t be back as bub is engaged so thanks in advance for your thoughts

I absolutely [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Spencer[/name]… but as it is my ex-husbands name, I am not sure that it is a name that my partner and I will use!!! [name]Lovely[/name] name though and [name]Spence[/name] nn is cute x

My top pick is [name]Felix[/name], followed by [name]Sebastian[/name].
Good [name]Luck[/name]!

[name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Elias[/name]!

I think Sebastain and [name]Hugo[/name] make an ADORABLE sib set!!! They’re both old world and glamorous and just plain HANDSOME!

I love [name]Erin[/name]'s suggestion of [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Elias[/name], as well as [name]Felix[/name] [name]Raphael[/name]. (I don’t know where you live, but in the US, [name]Sebastian[/name], #74, is more popular than [name]Oscar[/name], #119.) To me, [name]Spencer[/name]'s trendier style doesn’t fit with the classic, strong [name]Hugo[/name].

Please keep us posted! :slight_smile:

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] [name]LOVE[/name] all of your choices, but for me, [name]Spencer[/name] doesn’t really go with [name]Hugo[/name]. It’s a little too popular and not old-world enough. Great options, though!

Good luck!!!

[name]Hi[/name] all
thanks for feedback as thats what I was thinking re [name]Spencer[/name] as its a more modern name. I’m in Australia and [name]Sebastian[/name] is popular here in the top 50’s from memory. At this stage we will take in short list of 3 and see what fits I guess. But please keep suggestions and thoughts coming as they are very helpful

many thanks
[name]Annetta[/name] ( on the home run)

I love your name choices, [name]Annetta[/name], and hope you’ll fill us in when the baby arrives! :slight_smile: Would you be calling [name]Raphael[/name] “[name]Rafe[/name]?” I just commented on your post about names for classy/handsome men, and [name]Raphael[/name]/[name]Rafe[/name] popped into my mind. :slight_smile: I’d like to vote for [name]Raphael[/name], too!

[name]Hugo[/name] and…

  1. [name]Julius[/name] - Yes! nn [name]Jules[/name]
    2, [name]Sebastian[/name] - Yes! [name]Love[/name]!
  2. [name]Raphael[/name] - [name]Love[/name], nn [name]Rafe[/name]
    4 [name]Felix[/name] - I think it’s just me, not too fond of this one.
    5 [name]Spencer[/name] - I’ve heard this a lot.

Fave is [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Elias[/name] just like [name]Erin[/name], I think. Also love [name]Raphael[/name] [name]Jake[/name] rather than [name]Jack[/name], and [name]Julius[/name] [name]Isaac[/name].

girls pretty well set on [name]Ivy[/name] (mn options [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Estelle[/name] or [name]Sophia[/name])
Still love [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Estelle[/name].

surname starts with a M ( 2 syllable)

I probably won’t be back as bub is engaged so thanks in advance for your thoughts

I forgot the girlie names! :slight_smile: I still vote for [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Estelle[/name], although [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] sounds very nice with a two-syllable last name.

They’re really all nice!

  1. [name]Julius[/name]- one of my favorites, and it’s great with [name]Hugo[/name]. My second pick
    2, [name]Sebastian[/name]- I like, but don’t love [name]Sebastian[/name], he’s my third pick!
  2. [name]Raphael[/name]- My favorite! SO perfect with [name]Hugo[/name]!
    4 [name]Felix[/name]- I like [name]Felix[/name], but not so much with [name]Hugo[/name]. This would be my first cut!
    5 [name]Spencer[/name]- ditto [name]Felix[/name], but just a tad better.

I’d go with [name]Raphael[/name] [name]Sebastian[/name]! For girls I agree with the consensus on [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Estelle[/name]! SOOO PRETTY! I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Ivy[/name]!

thanks ladies and some of the ‘naming experts’ on here as my husband and I have found your input really helpful given we are not really discussing options with family and some objective thought is great


I love [name]Sebastian[/name] and [name]Raphael[/name], and for the girls’ names I’m leaning toward [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] based mainly on how the two names sound together.

[name]Julius[/name] [name]Francis[/name] :slight_smile:

This is what I was going to write as well (minus the popularity stats!). [name]Hugo[/name] & [name]Sebastian[/name] is darling, as is [name]Hugo[/name] & [name]Felix[/name] or even [name]Hugo[/name] & [name]Julius[/name]. [name]Raphael[/name] seems a bit too ‘romantic’ for the strong [name]Hugo[/name], and [name]Spencer[/name] does come off a little trendy to me.

[name]Hugo[/name] & [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Elias[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] & [name]Felix[/name] [name]Edmund[/name]
[name]Hugo[/name] & [name]Julius[/name] [name]Edmund[/name] / [name]Isaac[/name]

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I like all your names but i think in the end I’d vote for [name]Raphael[/name]. It is romantic but so, to me, is [name]Hugo[/name], and they seem to make a nice compatible yet distinctive pair. [name]Sebastian[/name] I adore and think it makes a good [name]Hugo[/name] companion but yes, getting popular, and [name]Felix[/name] is following hot on [name]Oscar[/name]'s trendy heels. I agree with some others that [name]Spencer[/name] is a bit too buttoned up. And I like [name]Julius[/name] but a little oooo heavy with [name]Hugo[/name], especially compared with [name]Raphael[/name].

you have good taste

[name]Felix[/name] or [name]Raphael[/name] are my favourites. I know that [name]Felix[/name] is gaining in popularity, but still. The name just makes me happy. [name]Raphael[/name] is lovely, too :slight_smile:
[name]Julius[/name] also is so handsome!
Not such a fan of [name]Sebastian[/name] or [name]Spencer[/name], sorry

I love [name]Julius[/name]. I’d use it in a heartbeat. [name]Hugo[/name], too, actually; we have similar styles!


I’m also from Australia!

[name]Hugo[/name] is also a favourite of mine. I’ve often considered other names with [name]Hugo[/name] including [name]Finn[/name], [name]Eli[/name], [name]Luca[/name] and [name]Jasper[/name].

It has a real artistic/creative quality about it and I also think those names above do too.

Out of your list I love [name]Sebastian[/name]. (He will most probably get [name]Seb[/name] as every name is shortened in Australia hehe)

[name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Seb[/name] are cute :0

[name]Ivy[/name] is a unique name… also on my list. We have similar choices. i’ve also recently considered [name]Isla[/name], [name]Iris[/name] and [name]Lila[/name] which are similar to [name]Ivy[/name].

[name]Ivy[/name] [name]Sophia[/name] is my favourite.

You have a lovely style… congratulations

[name]Hi[/name] thanks previous poster
don’t really like [name]Seb[/name] for a NN but okay with [name]Baz[/name]. I like all of your suggestions [name]Eli[/name] was on the list and we already know a few jaspers, luca’s & [name]Finn[/name]'s.

My husband really likes [name]Felix[/name] ( due to its meaning) and is rather fond of [name]Julius[/name] followed by [name]Raphael[/name]. I’m a bit worried with the u sounds in [name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Julius[/name] that they are a bit close

Your girls names ideas are lovely all were bounced around however [name]Ivy[/name] is a family name and one we both agree on.
