What's your favorite form of "Michaela"?

I like [name]Michaela[/name] but I actually know one (her sister is named [name]Jordan[/name] so she always jokes that they were named after [name]Michael[/name] [name]Jordan[/name]). It generally gets pronounces right (though she has gotted Mik-y-la). Otherwise I like [name]Mikaela[/name] or [name]Mikayla[/name] but Michalea is the best

mi-kay-la or mi-kale-uh. It is the classic version. [name]Mckayla[/name], [name]Mikayla[/name], [name]Makayla[/name] etc. are phonetic variations.

I like [name]Michaela[/name]. I don’t care for the variations.

[name]Michaela[/name] and [name]Micaela[/name]. I think [name]Michaela[/name] is more elegant and old fashioned, so it seems stylish and nice. But when I think about it it’s a little bit too up tight. Similar favorites [name]Josephine[/name] and [name]Eleanor[/name] have wearable nicknames [name]Josie[/name]/[name]Effie[/name] or [name]Ellie[/name]/[name]Nell[/name]/[name]Nora[/name], but [name]Micheala[/name] doesn’t have those options. [name]Micaela[/name] seems a lot more wearable, feminine, fun, ect. [name]One[/name] of my best friends is named [name]Micaela[/name], and I love her name. I absolutely hate [name]Mikayla[/name], [name]Makayla[/name], Mykayla, [name]Makaela[/name], Mikeyla, ect. though!

NMS but I prefer [name]Mikayla[/name]

[name]Mikaela[/name] is legit. I think it’s Scandinavian. In many countries [name]Michaela[/name] and [name]Mikaela[/name] aren’t pronounced the same (non-English-speaking).

My favorite is [name]Mikaela[/name]. I kind of like it with the nickname [name]Mika[/name].

I dislike all of the others especially [name]Makayla[/name]. I don’t like [name]Michaela[/name] either.