What's your Grandparent name?

I was reading the blog post Grandma Names: The Ultimite Guide and I thought it was such a fun read!!

I immediately went to write down a list of potential grandparent names (to be chosen at a later day of course.) Birdie (im Beatriz), gran-gran, Cookie, Gigi, Lovey, Momo…

I’d love to hear what you would like to be called when/if the time comes. :two_hearts:

If you are someone who would prefer the more traditional grandparent name, please let us know why!!

-bee :yellow_heart:


[name_f]My[/name_f] mom has my nephews call her nana, I feel like that would be a good fit for me… I’m not even a parent yet lol (I dont even know what I want my kids calling me)

Probably just stick with grandma, but whatever my grandkids want to call me

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[name_f]My[/name_f] grandparents on my dad’s side are [name_f]Mama[/name_f] and [name_f]Papa[/name_f], so that tradition will probably chug on down to me if I ever become a grandparent :blush:

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I actually have 8 grandparents, since all of mine were divorced and remarried. I called them:

Grandma & Grandpa
Memere & Pawpaw (sometimes his first name, Smiley, which ironically also makes a good grandparent name)
Nana & Papaw (nan-nuh and pap-paw)
Honey & Papi or Norman (mostly his first name Norman but sometimes “pappy” spelled Papi)

My nephew calls my parents Yaya & Grumpy as his grandparent names. I honestly probably won’t end up having kids, but if I were to one day become a grandparent I think I would like simple old Grandpa. A lot of my siblings and cousins have fun names for my nephew to call them, but I am just “Uncle Firstname” and I like that!

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This is how my MIL became Goma, it’s cute and sounds like she’s being cheered on :sweat_smile:

I have no idea what I’d like to be called! I’ve never thought of it! I’d love, though, for any children I am lucky enough to have to call my mother ‘Marmee,’ as I call her. I think that makes a sweet grandma name.

I call my grandparents…
[name_f]Nane[/name_f] (NAH-nee) and [name_f]Papa[/name_f]
[name_u]Nana[/name_u] and Grandpa [name_m]Mike[/name_m]

I love cutesy grandparent names. [name_f]Nanny[/name_f], Grampie, Gran/Granny, Grammy, [name_f]Poppy[/name_f], [name_f]Nonnie[/name_f] (an intuitive spelling of what I call my grandma). They’re so sweet!

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[name_f]Nane[/name_f] spelt [name_f]Nani[/name_f] was my childhood nickname! [name_f]Poppy[/name_f] is also a very cute choice!

These are so fun!!! S/O to the step-parents who are now step-grandparents with fun names

These are so sweet! I think a lot of people like the idea of being the next “Mama” or “Grammy” and carrying that tradition on :blush:

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I’m from [name_m]Wales[/name_m] and both of my Grandmas are [name_u]Nana[/name_u] so I would probably just go for [name_u]Nana[/name_u].

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Fun! I have a long way to go until I reach that stage of my life so I am sure it will change but I think my [name_m]German[/name_m] husband wants to go by [name_f]Oma[/name_f] and [name_f]Opa[/name_f].

One set of my grandparents wanted to be called [name_u]Nana[/name_u] and PopPop but when we were little it came out as NeeNee and PopPop. That just stuck until we eventually called her Neen. I think it’s fun to go with the flow to end up with a unique name.

[name_f]My[/name_f] other grandparents simply went by Grandmother and Grandfather. It may sound stiff and formal at first but it was surprisingly endearing.

I know one grandpa that goes by [name_f]Papa[/name_f] Cool and another who goes by Grampy [name_f]Yo[/name_f] because he always greets you with a [name_f]Yo[/name_f]! [name_f]My[/name_f] favorites are names with meaning or ones that come organically.


[name_f]My[/name_f] 4 year old niece has granny (my mum) and nana but she has grandad (my dad) and other grandad (she really calls him other grandad). Granny is most common here so I would likely go with that.

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I would be [name_f]Nonna[/name_f]!

This is what I call my grandmother, and what my mother wants to be called if she has grandchildren. (My matrilineal line is all Italian / Italian American.)

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[name_f]My[/name_f] grandparents on one side are just Grandma and Grandpa, but on the other side it’s Yayi/Yaya (jah-jee/ jah-jah) and Dad (I’m the first grandkid, I would hear my mom call him dad and I just copied, then the rest of the grandkids copied me)

When I asked my parents my mom said she’d probably want to be [name_f]Mimi[/name_f] and my dad liked Uelo (WEH-loh) (I call my parents Mama/Mami and Papi so it very possible for the same situation to pop up again and their grandkids end up calling them one of those )

Me personally I like Grandmama, [name_u]Bela[/name_u], [name_f]Ela[/name_f] or [name_m]Abe[/name_m] (AH-beh)

I know a lot of people who call their grandparents something other than grandma and grandpa. [name_u]Momo[/name_u], Daddies, [name_f]Lita[/name_f], [name_m]Lito[/name_m], [name_f]Gigi[/name_f], Gama, Gamo etc so a lot of them don’t feel super crazy to me, though ones like [name_f]Foxy[/name_f] is a bit much :sweat_smile:

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No idea, but I have to once again share the story of my beloved grandmother, who passed recently. When my brother, the eldest grandchild, was two, he somehow mispronounced “Grandma” as “Pom Pom.” So that was her grandma name. It spread beyond my brother, cousins, and I and became her overall nickname. It seems fitting, because she was more than just a grandma, and one of a kind, so she deserved a special moniker. I’d be honored to be a [name_m]Pom[/name_m] [name_m]Pom[/name_m] one day if I ever have grandkids, but I haven’t really thought that far ahead given I’m not even a parent :sweat_smile:

[name_f]My[/name_f] other grandparents are/were just Grandma/Grandpa [Their First Name]


I’m not huge on titles/other names, nor do I plan on having kids, but if I did have grandkids I’d probably either have them call me by just my name, put Grand in front of my name, or call me Pap (I’ve always been fond of that one). But like, if I’m gonna tell other people to not put any sort of title in front of my name (no Mr./Mrs./Ms./Mx./Aunt(ie)/Uncle etc.), I don’t see why I should make my grandkids call me something different

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Mostly just Grandma but sometimes Grammy or Grams :smiling_face: :sparkling_heart:

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[name_f]My[/name_f] grandparents on my mom’s side are Mawmaw & Pawpaw and on my dad’s it’s good old Grandma & Grandpa

I find Gran/Nana pretty cute, so I’d like that. [name_f]My[/name_f] mom is adamant she’ll have a cool grandma name like [name_f]Gigi[/name_f].

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[name_f]My[/name_f] own grandparents were/are [name_f]Nan[/name_f], Pappy, and Grammy.
[name_f]My[/name_f] children call their grandparents [name_u]Nana[/name_u], Grandma, Bubbie, Grandpa, and [name_f]Papa[/name_f]. And a great grandma that goes by GG.
I’m not sure what I’ll choose as my grandma name but I’ve always liked G-ma so maybe that.

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Oh such a fun question. I don’t really have a preference other than not being nana (bad associations). I’m happy to be called whatever strange name my future grandkids come up with!

I know my dad would love to be grandad like his father was to me, but my mum would prefer something untraditional! I think they might end up being Grandad and [name_f]Bee[/name_f] :honeybee:

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