When you meet a boy named Jag

What do you think of when you hear the name Jag? Is it classy like the [name]Jaguar[/name] car, swaggering like the rock star [name]Jagger[/name], lawyer-like as in the tv series, or just plain weird?

I’d think “it makes a great nn but I hope its short for [name]Jagger[/name] or something similar.”

When I meet a boy named Jag, I too hope it’s a nickname to something longer. i feel it would be tacky to name a child after a luxury brand.

I would sincerely hope it was short for [name]Jagger[/name] otherwise it reminds me of the cuss word.

Yeah,I’d hope it were a nickname for [name]Jagger[/name].

I feel like they use the word ‘jag’ on 30 [name]Rock[/name] as an insult. I’m not a cool New [name]York[/name] hipster, so I can’t tell you what it means, but there is something vaguely rude name-esque about it.

Good to know. It’s actually a cute little Sanskrit name that means universe. But it’s interesting to know what comes to mind in [name]America[/name].

I was about to chime in with what Phoebesmom said. Jag is basically a synonym for a-hole.

[name]How[/name] do you mom’s keep up with what the kids are saying? I had no idea that Jag was an insult.
THat sounds like the kind of slang that doesn’t stick around very long. I think it’s a pretty cool name and I like it better than [name]Jagger[/name]. I think it’s the kind of name that would work better than anticipated once you used it. I would suspect that people would like it more if they were actually meeting a little jag than just imagining one. But teh slang term does make it questionable.

I named my little boy jag. His mom and I were committed on [name]Jagger[/name] until we went to fill out t he birth certificate. She turned to me and said I like Jag so much better; so I left out the “ger”! And I love my little mans name:) It means universe in [name]Indian[/name] and that’s what he is to me. He’s my little universe. I think it’s beautiful and I know I’m late on this thread but I’ve never met another Jag; a few [name]Jagger[/name]'s; and I don’t think it’s near as cool. Not one persons mentioned a sports car or baby jaguar cat. it’s a slick little name and a hidden little secret that I cherish

I only like it if it’s a nn to [name]Jagger[/name]

Without knowing you or your child I would probably think [name]Jagger[/name]. But most people ask out of curiosity when you have an unusual name and a name meaning universe is very cool and would quell any thoughts of the other references.

I’m sorry, [name]Mick[/name] [name]Jagger[/name] was the first thing that came to mind … But I do like [name]Jaguar[/name]'s as a feline :slight_smile:

Please don’t give your son a name that rhymes with “f*g.”

I think he must be super cool :slight_smile: And I prefer Jag over [name]Jagger[/name].

I think of the insult jag-off, which goes back at least fifty years and shows no sign of disappearing. It’s similar to jack-off, or wanker.

Then I think of “on a jag” as in on a high. Cocaine jag, etc.

Then I think of the luxury brand. Unfortunately, luxury brands feel ironically down-market to me as names.

I think of [name]Mick[/name] [name]Jagger[/name] fans, and the car, [name]Jaguar[/name].