Which has more whimsy? 🪻✨️

Salutations! I’m stuck between these names, looking for something that feels whimsical and maybe moon-ish. I’d also love to hear how’d you pronunce Elara- ee-lahr-ah, ee-lair-ah, or otherwise? Any other suggestions you might have are more than welcome. Thanks!

  • Oriana
  • Elara
  • Maybelle
  • Ludivine
  • Sabine
0 voters

Midwest USA raised and I would say “Eh-lar-uh”


[name_f]Sabine[/name_f] is my favorite girl name (taking turns on any given day with Sabina) since about 2002~~~ I do like [name_f]Ludivine[/name_f] quite a bit, also.

I say Elaira.

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For [name_f]Elara[/name_f], i’d probably look at the name, take a long pause, and think of all those possible pronunciations . Then i’d guess which pronunciation they go by insecurely and slowly say “ee-lar-uh…?” and get really excited if I got it right and apologize if I got it wrong… for that reason I would not choose [name_f]Elara[/name_f].

I’ve never heard of [name_f]Ludivine[/name_f] but somehow the spelling and pronunciation seems a lot more intuitive and so unique! It gives off the most mystical vibe to me :crescent_moon::milky_way:

I also like [name_f]Sabine[/name_f] :black_cat:

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For me, [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] or [name_f]Elara[/name_f] have the most whimsy and moon-vibes. Familiar but distinctive sounds with bright, airy vibes, a hint of musicality, a touch of magic.

I’d pronounce [name_f]Elara[/name_f] as ee-lahr-ah :slight_smile:

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[name_f]Ludivine[/name_f] and [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] are both lovely and whimsical, but [name_f]Ludivine[/name_f] feels distinctly moon-ish while [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] is more sunny to me? (I probably sound unhinged. :joy:)

And I (from Europe) would say “eh-lahr-uh” at first glance.

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[name_f]Orianna[/name_f] is my favorite . :cherry_blossom::blossom:

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I’d say eh-LAH-rah! That’s the only pronunciation that feels whimsical to me. With an ee sound it reminds me of [name_f]Hillary[/name_f] and I personally find it a little stuffy.


Like this!

Names like [name_f]Elara[/name_f]: [name_f]Alara[/name_f], [name_f]Alula[/name_f], Alua, [name_f]Esmeray[/name_f] :new_moon:

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I would say eh-LAH-ruh


[name_f]Oriana[/name_f] nn [name_f]Aura[/name_f] and [name_f]Sabine[/name_f] !! So pretty

As for [name_f]Elara[/name_f] pronounciation, eh-Lahr-uh

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[name_f]My[/name_f] favorite of your names is [name_f]Oriana[/name_f].

I’ve never met an [name_f]Elara[/name_f] or heard the name said out loud, but I would instinctively say it like “ell-ar-ah”.

[name_f]Elara[/name_f] is my favorite!! I say it like Uh-LARA!!

I didn’t see the word moon-ish!

I’ll add that it more likely [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] or Elara…I got so excited about [name_f]Sabine[/name_f]! LOL

[name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] is the one that sounds more whimsical to me.
[name_f]Elara[/name_f] is the one that I associate with the moon. It’s powerful, majestic and elegant. I pronounce it eh-la-rah.
I voted for [name_f]Maybelle[/name_f] because of the title, however, my favorite name from your list is [name_f]Oriana[/name_f]. I see [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] as a mysterious, feminine and melodic name. It feels fresh and sweet. In my mind, this name is suitable for a fairy or a curious and energetic character. [name_f]Oriana[/name_f] has a gorgeous meaning! It’s an underused precious name.
[name_f]Sabine[/name_f] is a great choice as well. [name_f]Lovely[/name_f] and international.
I’m not crazy about Ludovine.